"Letter to Fuller" by Charles McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


KC: Fuller's illness; new president of Kenyon; number of students increasing




letter, McIlvaine, Fuller, Kenyon College, Bronson


Gambier May 15, 1845

Rev. and dear Sir,

I reached home a few days since, from a visitation of about five weeks, and recd your letter of Ap. 23. It gives me great concern to find that you have been so ill since you left us. The journey must have been very trying, while you were so weak. The opinion of Dr. Jackson would seem to leave us but little hope that you will be able to resume duty here, until after an interval too long for you or the institution to support. Thus we are tried again. I supposed when you came, I had obtained a rest from the anxiety about that department. You did all you could to justify the hope. Your instructions were highly valued and very successful. You had a will and mind to do much more than your health allowed The rest is of God. He knows what is good and he only. I trust that as soon as you have concluded what to do you will write me, as we must be about the supply of the vacancy as soon as possible, in case you resign. The present graduating class in College will need to know soon what provision is to be made in that department.

Mr. Spear has not yet [signified] his acceptance of the Presidency, but we feel pretty confident that he will accept it. Meanwhile the office is very satisfactorily supplied by the Rev. Mr. Bronson of Granville. I shall carry on your department and [?] in the [?] as much as my time at home, this term will allow. College matters look well. The Trustees reduced the salaries of all the offices, except Mr. [Russ], making subsequent increase depend on number of students. It is taken very well and the energy of the Faculty seems to be much quickened. Mr. Lang’s students have nearly doubled this term. Very pretty improvements have been made in the seminary grounds. They have been graded, sodded, planted, and a fine walk of about 12 feet wide, made from the gate to the [dorm] - all finely stoned and gravelled. The Library now is also finished. The Church is almost completed - pews, pulpit and [?] completed. We all think it very well done, and unsurpassed by any Ch. in Ohio.

I will thank you to remember me very respectfully to Prof. and Mrs. Greenleaf, and to remember Mrs. McIlvaine and my kind regards to Mrs. Fuller. Wishing you and your family the most precious blessings of God’s grace, I remain,

Your affectionate friend and brother

Char. P. McIlvaine

Letter to Fuller



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