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McIlvaine accepts Fuller's resignation of Professorship of Divinity
letter, McIlvaine, Fuller, Litchfield
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles, "Letter to Fuller" (1845). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 388.

Gambier May 29, 1845
Rev. and dear Sir,
I returned yesterday from another visitation and recd yours of the 21st containing your resignation of the [?] Professorship of Divinity etc. As your final arrangement with the parish in Litchfield depends on your hearing of my acceptance of the resignation, I hasten to answer, though with so little time that I must do it with less expression of my affectionate regard and sincere regret at so soon parting with you, than it would be grateful to my feelings to make. I have but a few minutes before I must go to the theological class, and unless I write now, [must] miss mail.
The resignation is accepted, but with a deep sense of the [starting] excellence, as a Christian brother, and minister of him whom thus we separate from. I do not question the propriety of your conclusion, but much regret the cause. The Lord our God be with you and yours, wherever, hereafter, in this life, He may place you; restore you to health and give you a life of long and great usefulness - His Church!
Yours very affectionately,
Char. P. McIlvaine
Mr. Jarvis has your message.