"Letter to Bedell" by Charles Petit McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell


Cinc. Nov. 5

Dear Bishop,

I suppose Mr. Gray has written you about getting back to Ohio. Mr. Rogers has repeated the [?] at [?] to get another Minister. I am for advising them to get Mr. Greg unless you have formed some other plea for him or then. Let me know. Kendrick has written me about going again to his preparations for the ministry. I enclose his letter. What should we say? Hodgkins’ case is still one hand. I saw his Father in Zanesville and he explained written in [?] which never came in any [?] shape - and the way I was kept so [?] of his whereabouts was explained - I wish you would soft the objections to him at G. and see whether they amount to any thing we would be justified in standing upon. He wants to go to the Seminary this term and begin the full course, paying his own expenses - and it is high time. I had settled the case.

The case of Hubbard I think should be considered. He is out of this Diocese - but he shows an unsettledness of mind that should suggest the consideration whether he should be encouraged to be a student of our se[minar]y. After the Gambier Co. with which he came had been discharged, he set to work here to try to get appointed to the [Gun Boat] service on the [?] - and this (besides the [?] of it, he being in [?]) when he had just returned to G. to re[sume] his studies. And what make it the more strange - He had got separated from his [?] and borrowed clothes here, on the expectation of going at once to G. and thence returning them. The clothes are not all returned yet. This fickleness of mind and facility of [leav]ing from studies for the Ministry to an employment - so destructive of all studious habit of mind, is very [?].

The other day I sent to the W. Ep. a list of appointments. I want them changed, and if possible before the paper is printed. Mr. Carter wants me to officiate at the marriage of his daughter Dec. 17 - when I will take Cleveland and the parishes from Warren to Canfield and will thus get more to add to Akron, those of Hudson and [?]. I must get home by the 20th, for an engagement here.

I enclose a new list. If you invited Hudson and [?] after the Co[nvoca]tion, which I project, strike them out. I have concluded to embrace Youngstown, as it would seem strange to pass it by.

I leave on Monday next. I understood from you that the parishes had [?] some time ago. Hence the brevity of my present [?]. I wrote to each by mail - of those sent to the W. Ep. last week.

Yours affectionately,

C. P. M.

P.S. One second thought, as the notice will be so short at Hudson and the Falls, I believe I will omit them at any rate - for the present- and will ask you to have placed after Akron in the list sent to the paper the following.

In addition to the above Bp. M. expects to visit in Dec - Grace Ch. Cleveland and the churches in [?], Warren, Youngstown, Boardman, and Canfield - of which further notice hereafter.

To these you can add if you choose - (that is if not visited recently) Hudson and [?] Falls.

Letter to Bedell



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