
Charles Bridges



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chatty letter, describing planned trip to European continent




letter, Bridges, McIlvaine


My dear Rt. Rev. [?]—

Had it been our Lord’s good plan soon I should have seen you. But in [?] things [are] well [and] great - in every atom of Providence, as well as in most magnificent displays of grace.

All is well—

All is right

All is best

So we we will be [?]

It would have been a great delight to me to have [travelled] a [small leg] of the [?] journey with you. I’ll [sing] out [the] people of God and [admonish] the works of God.

I leave home on Monday I know not where I [should] like to see the Continent. But I must be very careful where I go. Keeping as much as possible in the [?] [Track], as not knowing a syllable of the language or idiom. Therefore, unless I saw a [?], I must stay [til Monday] the [15] in England–then join some friends as far as [Lyons] [though] [?] not for the interest of Paris which is nought (having seen it) but in my route to Geneva–where I can be anglicized among their Friends & take short town. The way home will also be torture by English. I must set by foot upon English Ground also on the [8th] [?] having only & [Sunday] provided for.

Perhaps I may see you as [?] to do. If not a brighter meeting ever than that of [?]

[Norman Awaits]

Letter to C.P. McIlvaine



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