"Letter from C.P. McIlvaine to S.P. Chase" by Charles Pettit McIlvaine



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Trip to England.




letter, McIlvaine, Chase, England


London, Dec. 12/61

My dear Dr. Chase,

We are so anxious here about the decision in Wash. when the Queen’s demand [?] that we feel as if scarcely any thing else could be thought of. The palace seems to [?] and all have to see a place that [?], another former status, under B[?] [?] and then argue the question of law and settle it for the future. But we must now wait and pray.

I find no use or need of any concealment of my object. It was all known when I arrived and instead of having an [?] and aspect [?] these when I especially seek it.

Later at Cal[?] watching ship [?] [?}; that is a year the improvement, as never portage in India would enable. [?] to reach the coast is fare at 3 ½ pence per day, which never takes two months and “so quickly” is that which forms, so [?] can’t of the English use-- the sea island being not much [?] in England. France being its chief enforcer. Ld. M[arbury] wished to convince me that England [?] now a war should come about this [?], has no idea there had [?] of breaking the blockade. Just now came in the Bp. of Winchester and embraced and [?] us all. We as well as the [?] daughters. He is brother of the [?] whom we shall soon wait for Alex. Haldave of London [?] a very leading question in civil and religious reflections and very intended with [?].

My opportunities are fast opening a respect from the Bp. of Ransom, to spend some time with him: in Yorktown, an arrangement to dance with Lord and Lady [?], the latter lady in waiting to the Queen and her confidential friend.

The other day we dined at the Lake of [?] in Solay with Lord [?]. After dinner 17 of the vast influential clergy of that [?] part of Lord [?] came up. They influence, I was told, 100,000 people directly or indirectly. I had full purpose and made good time “after Rebellious [?] fully [?] and [?] [?] [?] asked freely and answered and reached “a good turn.” The tide of opinion was very gratifying-- we had two prayers and [?] another by one of them, for the [?] [?]. I found no reason to want to conceal what I [?] [?] for it was all anticipated except the [?] functions in some words unwilling to therefore with the [?] by relating conversations, believes me chairman and [?] and others in which the later “scouted” the [?] as preparation.

The rev. Mr. Brock who preached the sermon of which I wrote you last and who I found wrote [?] life came with after Mr. [?] and says he is going to the [?] of a large number of persons, to preach the same sermon at Exeter Hall, on Sunday night. He said that [?] every pulpit.

[?] a war last [?] or this same [?] and that in me. This was a war sermon and the congress claim went unfulfillingly undecided [?] and [?] disapprobation. All this is not to be understood as inciting any want of determination or want of care. The captives are not released; but the greatest desire that all [?] of war should be taken away.

Lord, I, speaking of the blockade, after saying that their [?] officers refuted it as a blockade and speaking of the evidence then furnished of England’s great desire to [?] truth in that respect, when she might have pleaded the [?] of the blockade, proceeded to show her little cause than was to suppose she would be induced to break it in order to get the [?]. He said there was [?] a slate of either fabric on the Land, of the Manufacturers and they were forwardly glad of the present state of things, as it gave them opportunity to diminish their work and at the same time, in the sight of the workmen, lay the blame to the deficient supply of the [?].

He said there was an [?] 60,000 is thought just the thing, and as warmly welcomed. The Bp. of Westchester said he thanked God for it. Ld. [?] the [?] he heard of my arrival, called, and being out, he called again in an hour and spent an hour in conviction. He was strong in the side of the [?] taken by the [?] at present and gave a most painful news of the [?] produced [?] by a certain official person when in England and during the Prince’s not [?] in conversation with the D. of New Castle. The Lady I have just been informed by one of the high [?], the Duke never returned [?] last Saturday [?] when, he remembered it with [?]. You will see it stated in the papers-- Mr. Weed says it was a joke on the part of the person in high station, expectedly with such as Ld. [?] [?] her just left [?]. L[?] called and sat an hour. We had a very full conversation about the present trouble with England and the Rebellion. He [?] me that before this second other.

The feeling of England except in the Manchester district and after [?] were connected with that interest, was with us. As to the Rebellion and the war-- he gave the reasons-- and said [?] doubt the case was made strictly affected by the new trouble but the change would be [?] if that should be righted. But he and all good people depreciate war because (other reasons besides) it would make England the [?] of setting up the Confederacy and a [?] God. He then went at length with a [?] of the other conversation here for the English God, and we go to Cambridge today and stay some days as guests of Mr. Master of Canis College. Dec. 12 1861.

But what anxiety we feel about the decision at home. And that answer be turned, I feel as [?] about the usefulness of my coming here. I shall have the largest opportunities.

My dear Mr. Chase, you are here about looked to for the God to [?] and give direction and forgive [?]. I pray you stand in your [?] and see that [?] and wise counsel prevail. We have an important news [?], except [?] things about Fort Packe[?] and the good news of the captain of [?] [?] and [?] Island.

Yours very truly,

C.P. McIlvaine

Letter from C.P. McIlvaine to S.P. Chase



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