"Letter to Bishop Bedell" by Charles Petit McIlvaine



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The Charles P. McIlvaine letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Peace in England




letter, McIlvaine, Bedell, peace



Bp: McIlvaine

Lond - Jan. 14 /62

My dear Bishop,

Thanks for peace. I enclose a long letter about it for the paper. I have written it hoping to do some good by it. Have the [press] very carefully examined, + I hope it will be copied into the paper. Send a copy to Mr. Chase. I have not [enlarged] as much as I might, in the re-action here in our [?]. Our govt have come not of the difficulty with flying colours in the [extinction] here + now the English Govt are strongly censured for having gone to such [cost], when had they wanted they would have seen how ready ours was to come to an amicable adjustment. I believe I wrote you last from Dr. Wm. [Heathater ?] Park. After I wrote Mr. Spencer Walpole late Dec. of State was added to our company there. A very sensible person as to our side. After leaving that we spent about a week in Winchester-- with constant opportunities of meeting with influential persons. But the question there was, all the while -- will there be war-- Sunday before last I spent it [?] + part of Monday I preached in Dr. Wilson’s Church. The Mayor + Corporation did me the honour to attend, as a special exception. I was expected to meet them before Ch. at their hill + walk with them to Ch. This I painfully did-- they in full robes & I in mine & two beadles going ahead with maces + the people staring + I putting the best face I could on it. Think when I had also for an auditor. The Capt of the Nashville (Pegram) but the fellow instead of sitting in his usual place, went into the gallery, to be out of my view & see me the better. Next morning some 17 gentlemen counting of 6 clergymen, two Admirals, one Guard, one Mayor, two Alderman &c. came to breakfast with me at Dr. Wilson’s, & after that asked me to address them in the drawing room in American Affairs, which I was not slow to do. Before leaving Southhampton I went in search of the Nashville - [found] the [?] flag-- went and stood on her gangway plank and had found [from] of her Middle’s on her deck, had a talk with one of them about her armament &c. they little guessing who I was. I was greatly amused. I would have gone aboard, but was afraid I might meet my hearer the Captain. Thence I took a steamer for Ryde to see a friend. Ont he way the Queen’s Dispatch Steamer the [Elpham] passed us, about two hundred or more yards off, + before I had recognized any body on her deck, I saw two gentlemen take off their hats to me, whom I at once saw were Gen. Bruce & the Prince of Wales. I have now been back in London, nearly a week. I send by this mail a copy of the Record containing an account of the great Johnstown Council Meeting, mentioned in my enclosed letter. It contains my speech with the others & an Editorial account. In order to give weight to what I say of the feeling of the meeting in regard to the peace, it would be well to give some of the editorial account in the same paper that should contain my letter. It is impossible to doubt whether I should have come here. People of high position say to me “how thankful we are that you came at this time.” To me [(Della)] I said, “I am glad you say so.” He answered, “I said it because I knew it would comfort you.” An Archdeacon has told me that the idea is [universal] that I came from the govt in reference to the danger of trouble to produce a quieting effect, that I am regarded as an expression of pacific feeling at home, that the bare fact of my coming at such a season & juncture, is so read, & that there is no doubt, I have been instrumental in keeping down a great deal of the froth that was rising. Certainly I could not have a warmer welcome or a wider field.

How gets on the dear College & Seminary. Have you any [light] as to a Pres.? The Lord bless Love to all. Let Charles recd this & when you have done with it, send it to Mr. Andrews Columbus - God bless you my dear Bp. I exercise my [?] all the whole here, but must take care lest I do it for too much. Our last war news is the successful Gen Pope - Mission & the [Dramicable] affair -- We expect to hear of great things in Ky. soon.

Yours most affly


Page 1 note: As soon a copy of the enclosed letter appear, send it to me care of [Pectardy & Co.] Lond - Put a three cent stamp on it.

Letter to Bishop Bedell



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