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letter, McIlvaine, Bedell
Recommended Citation
McIlvaine, Charles Pettit, "Letter to Bishop Bedell" (1861). Charles Pettit McIlvaine Letters. 118.

Cinc. Wednesday – February 20, 1861
My dear Bishop,
Yours of the 15th read yesterday I had sent a visitation list the day before, but not in time for the paper of this week. It included many that had better be deferred because of the recency of their having been visited. I now enclose another list to come in after Greenville in that sent. Please see that it gets in right. Of those visited in the N.E. prior to [?]. Plymouth and Rome are so in a group of others now deferred – that I have left them to come with their group. I take [?], Steubenville, Wooster and Mansfield, because leaving out the parishes deferred. I wanted a few more, and have a desire to go to those. You can take Berkshire and Lancaster. After the [?], I shall not visit during the summer, except single places, perhaps, I had put Akron with the rest of the group, but they are going to make a great change in their church, enlarging [?] and to [?] them I have said to them I would go [?] of [?] when they expect to have it done.
I think we may aim at get over the Diocese once in 14 months. I will give enough of it to you, thanking you for your kind thoughtfulness about my strength. I will not consent, so far as I have any influence, in the matter to a female boarding school at Gambier. Dr. [?] owns his house and lot, and I suppose so far as law goes, he can have such a nuisance as he pleases, but I always objected most strenuously to having men’s college and women’s boarding school in the same place, unless the place were so large and populated as to keep them apart socially. But at Gambier, the evil would be at its extent. I would almost as [?] have a [?] [?]. I wish you would tell Mr. [?] what I shall object to it and oppose it in any way within my reach. It has been mentioned in times past, before he ever thought of it. I never would consent. I am much obliged for your careful visitation papers.
Our dear friend Pendleton is drawing near his departure, slowly but [?]. He is in the happiest, humblest state of mind.
Yours very affectionately,
C.P. McIlvaine
I will see about Philips’ mother. We will have a committee meeting I suppose, beginning of March. Will you be there?