Publication Date
Subject Announced For Address At Luncheon On Wednesday
"Market Problems and the High Cost of Living" will be the subject of the address to be given at the noon-day luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday by V. H. Davis, chief of the Ohio bureau of markets, Columbus.
Word was received this morning from Mr. Davis that he would attend this meeting with the greatest of pleasure and interest. The luncheon will be in charge of the agriculture committee, French Severns being the chairman.
The Chamber of Commerce extends a special invitation to the farmers of the county to attend this meeting because if there is any of all the meetings of the year that should be theirs, it is this one. Everyone who intends to attend this luncheon should have his name with the secretary of the chamber by Tuesday noon.
The luncheon will be served by the women of the Calvary Baptist church, Mrs. Dana Jones chairman, afternoon and evening, the proceeds of which is to go for the promotion of the cause. All members are urged to attend this meeting.
The Democratic Banner
Recommended Citation
The Democratic Banner, "Chamber of Commerce Meeting: February 17, 1920" (1920). Newspaper Articles. Paper 231.