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(Mt Vernon, Ohio) By Irene Sharp Mrs. Emma Stewart has returned to Newark after spending the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hayes of Marion st. Mrs. Orville Hayes of Marion st. was in Toledo last week attending a Missionary convention of the northern Ohio conference of the AME church as delegate from Wayman Chapel. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Niata Cherry, of Newark. William Lang of Newark visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sharp of W. Chestnut st. Mrs. Charles Chancellor, jr. of N. Rogers st. returned Tuesday after spending a few days in Newark with her mother, Mrs. Besse Weaver. The king and queen rally of the AME church was brought to a climax Sunday when Mrs. Anna Turner of Century pines was crowned queen and the winner by Prof. Ogden of Edgewater college, Fla. After the ceremony, Prof. Ogden rendered a piano and organ recital which was enjoyed by all. Billy Lewis of Columbus left Tuesday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, E. Ohio ave.


The Ohio State News

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