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Mrs. Annamae Morton, daughter of Mrs. Hattie Lewis of Ridgewood ave., and Leland Briggs of Barnesville were married Friday evening, April 7. Rev. G. L. Bennett performed the ceremony at the home of the bride. Preceding the ceremony Orval Hayes sang "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." The bride, who was given in marriage by a friend of the family, Samuel Payne, wore a smart teel blue suit with pale pink accessories and a gardenia corsage. Her only attendant, Mrs. Orval Hayes, was dressed in Navy blue with pale blue assecorles [sic] (accessories). Hilbert Myers was the bridegroom's best man. Capt. Raines of the Salvation Army led prayer at the ceremony. Following the ceremony the couple, their attendants and thirty guests were honored at a reception given by the bride's family. Guiding Star sewing club met Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Samuel Payne with seven members present. Devotionals were led by Mrs. Ella Carter. The service was then in the hands of Mrs. Anna Turner, vice president, in the absence of the president, Mrs. Bessie Newsom, The roll call was read and each one present responded with a scripture verse and paid dues. A lovely social time was enjoyed and the hostess assisted by her daughter, Vera, served her guests. The decorations were carried out in keeping with Easter. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. C. J. Turner, Clinton rd., April 20. Mrs. George Newsom is to have charge of the devotionals. Mr. and Mrs. Orien Peterson of Columbus were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Peterson of Cottage st. The 20th Century club held its sewing meeting Monday evening at the home of its vice president, Mrs. Arthur Lee, Oberlin st. After the business and sewing for the evening were dispensed with the hostess served refreshments to her guests. Misses Loria Pye and Annabell Crutchfield and David Payne, all of Wilberforce university, spent Easter with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Payne, of W. Chestnut st. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson and family of Columbus were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hamonds of Delmont addition. Miss Corintha Walker spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walker of W. Ohio ave. Herman Mayo and son David of Columbus spent easter with Mr. and Mrs. George Newsome of Cottage st. Misses Wanda Glover and Carol Tucker of Dayton spent Easter with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glover of E. Pleasant st. Richard Lathern of Dayton spent Easter with his wife and family of Prospect st. Mrs. Waverly Glover of Dayton is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Williams, of N. Norton st. Mrs. Dana Jones of E. Pleasant st. spent Easter in Cleveland as the guest of her neice [sic] (niece) Mrs. Herman Mitchem. The Allan Christian Endeavor league of the AME church furnished the program for the sunrise service held at the First Presbyterian church on N. Gay st. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jackson of Dayton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Payne of W. Vine st. Mr. and Mrs. Everhart Turner and son and Miss Miriam Simmons of Columbus spent Easter with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner, at their home, Century Pines. The Modern Matrons were entertained with a dinner party Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lena Mayle of Centerburg. The following were present: Mrs. Caroline Hill, Mrs. Edna Carter, Mrs. Ruth Hogan, and daughter, Ruth Charlene, Mary Sally and son Lennie, Mrs. Viola Booker. Mrs. Ethel Hammonds and daughter Diane.
The Ohio State News
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Recommended Citation
"Down Our Way" (1944). Newspaper Articles. Paper 206.