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Mt. Vernon.--Mrs. Carrie Randolph and daughter, Mary Louise of Cleveland, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Stone and Mrs. Ida Miller. While here Mrs. Stone entertained with a luncheon. Those present were Mrs. Maurine Little, Mrs. Price, Mrs. Ida Miller, the honored guests and hostess...Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Sheffield and son of Coshocton, were Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lan Hammonds...Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mickens, Mrs. Catherine West of Cleveland; Mrs. Emma Johnson, and Mr. Jones were recently callers of Mrs. Ida Miller. Mrs. Edna Ferguson of Columbus spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Newsome. On Sunday they accompanied Rev. and Mrs. W.T. Newsome to Ballipolis...Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cannon have returned from a 10 day wedding trip. They are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sharp before leaving for their home in Athens. Mrs. Cannon is the former Mary Louise Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hammonds recently announced the engagement of their daughter Anita Fisher to Mr. Samuel Sheffield Jr. of Coshocton son of Rev. and Mrs. S. Sheffield. The wedding will be a event of Sept. 20...Mrs. Guy Rouse is spending two weeks in Bluefield and Roanoke, Va.


The Ohio State News

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