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Mt. Vernon.--Mrs. Willard Hogan and children, returned to Dayton after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Payne…Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams of Cleveland, were Labor day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rouse…Miss Corintha Walker has returned home from a two weeks visit in California....Miss Ella Mae Simmons, a student at OSU, was recent visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Simmons. We are proud to see Mrs. Maurine Little able to be around again. She recently underwent knee surgery...We wish to express our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Margaruite Martin at the time of the loss of her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Glover Jones....Mrs. Margaret Johnson and children, were visitors of Mrs. Mable Mayle recently.
The Ohio State News
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Recommended Citation
"Mt. Vernon By Ann Rouse" (1947). Newspaper Articles. Paper 191.