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Miss Iva Dean, student nurse of City hospital, spent the holidays with her father, Mr. Selh Dean. . . . Donald Glover of OSU and Waverly Glover of Wilberforce visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glover, during the holidays. ... Miss Irene Sharp, student at "OSU, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sharp, during her holiday vacation from the Columbus school. . . . Georgo Earl Crosson of Louisville, has been the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crosson during the past two weeks. ... Mr. and Mrs. Trusty "White of New York visited with "Mr. and Mrs. Dillard White during Christmas week. MISS HELEN PAYNE of Columbus returned to her home this week after spending the holidays With Mr. and Mis. Dana Jones... Rev. W. T. Ward, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, is recovering from injuries he sustained in an automobile accident two weeks ago, when his car skidded and overturned as lie was en route to his home in Columbus. THE JUNIOR AND SENIOR Missionary Societies of Calvary uaptisi church presented a pro gram Sunday at the church. An address by Rev. (Mrs.) Lambert was featured on a program that included vo.-al solos by Messrs. Robert Williams, George Booker, Denver Stevens, Chester McGee, papers. Mis. M.nie Stevens and Mrs Mary Sally. Mrs. Walcr Mayo, president of the organization, and Mrs. Fred Sally, secretary, were in charge of the affair. ... Miss Wanda Glover returned from Dayton last week to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Glover. ... The Calvary Baptist Sunday school presented their annual Christmas program Friday evening (luring which time St. Nick appeared to distribute gifts to the children.


The Ohio State News

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