"Lawn Party"


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A most beautiful lawn party was given Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hammons, Martinsburg road. Singing, games, super and refreshments and a social evening were the attractions. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Simmons, Mr. Willard Simmons of Augusta, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and mother, Mrs. Frank Henderson of Nobleville, O., Mr. Earl Sharp and Miss Walker of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Booker and son George, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Jones, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mayle of Fredericktown and nephew from Xenia, Mr. George Payne, Mrs. Cor. Mack, Mrs. Mabel Mayle and Rev. F. H. Mason. Rev. and Mrs. Becks, of New Brighton, Pa., were expected in at any moment. Mrs. Becks is a sister of Mrs. George Hammons.


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