Bringing Knox County into the Classroom: Virtual Field Trips for Kenyon’s Earth Sciences Offerings

Presenter Information

Ruth Heindel, Kenyon CollegeFollow


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Start Date

29-4-2021 11:10 AM

End Date

29-4-2021 12:40 PM

Document Type

Brief Presentation

Heindel - 3D video and model links.docx (6 kB)
Links referred to in the video

ENVS191_syllabus_Aug26.pdf (199 kB)
Heindel_Holdener fast-track CIG.pdf (87 kB)
Fast track grant proposal

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Apr 29th, 11:10 AM Apr 29th, 12:40 PM

Bringing Knox County into the Classroom: Virtual Field Trips for Kenyon’s Earth Sciences Offerings