"Mt. Vernon Democratic Banner -- Grand Court of Calanthe"


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Ohio Historical Society

Creation Date

Summer 7-28-1916


The title of the section reads as "Colored," where the descriptive sub-title states "Knights of Pythias holding state meeting in Delaware -- Mayor welcomes delegates."

"Delaware July 26 -- The reception to the delegates at 8 o'clock at the city opera house was an interesting events of the day's activities in carrying out Tuesday's program for the joint annual session of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, the Grand Court of Calanthe, and the Uniform Encampment of the colored K. of P.'s of Ohio, which opened here Monday, continuing until Thursday evening.

Mayor A.J. White gave the address of welcome Monday evening, stating in his remarks that the city was open to the body, and that a hearty co-operation existed in Delaware. The welcome address for the lodge was given by Mr. T. M. Viney. Musical selections and numerous speeches by the delegates and grand lodge officers were served as a climaxing feature of the evening's reception."


Meeting held at 107 South Main Street Mount Vernon, OH 43050


Mt. Vernon, The Democratic Banner, Knights of Pythias, Fraternal organization, social life, Grand Lodge of Ohio, Grand Court of Calanthe, burial, colored, Mayor A.J. White, statewide meeting, city opera house, Delaware


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In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.