"The Democratic Banner: Last Will of Bertha C. Payne Filed"


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Ohio Historical Society

Creation Date

Summer 7-31-1914


The Last Will Of Bertha C. Payne Is Filed


The Payne Will--

The last will and testament of Bertha C. Payne, late of Mt. Vernon, has been filed in probate. By the terms of the will she gives to her son, Kenneth Payne, her piano and all her right, and interest in the homestead property on Ann stret. The same is to be held in trust and Harrison Judy is named as the trustee. The trustee may sell the piano, rent or sell the real estate, the income of which is to be used toward the support of her child, Kenneth Payne. The testatrix gives to her mother, Elizabeth J. Copeland certain household goods and personal articles. To her sister, Lillie M. Gipson she also gives personal effects and household goods. To her husband, Thomas Payne, she gives her rings, also the money from a life insurance policy held in the Court of Calanthe. Elizabeth J. Copeland is named the executrix of the will, but should she be dead at the time or declines to serve then the testatrix's sister, Lillie M. Gipson, is to act as executrix. The will was signed April 14, 1914, in the presence of Henry C. Devin and Mary Gibson.


Property: Ann Street, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050


Will, Bertha C. Payne, Payne will, probate court, family, Kenneth Payne, Thomas Payne, property, estate, Harrison Judy, Lillie M. Gipson, Elizabeth J. Copeland, Court of Calanthe, Henry C. Devin, Mary Gibson


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