
Lynn El-Roeiy


Sam Ebert, transcription

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I interviewed Stephen, a board member on several projects related to NAICCO and a member of the Minnecoujou tribe in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Stephen now lives in central Ohio but was raised in South Dakota on an Indian Reservation and was sent to St. Joseph’s Indian School from the ages of eight to fifteen. He earned his GED after leaving St. Joseph’s Indian School after failing the ninth grade. He currently works as a security officer and is in a relationship with “Anne,” whom he met in September and has both a Native American and Italian heritage. Stephen mentioned having a son who works in the same profession as he does but failed to reference a previous marriage or any other children. He expressed concern over the economic standing of NAICCO and urged his fellow members to organize educational activities for Native American youth. Overall, Stephen was extremely insightful into his faith as a Native American and steadfastly proclaimed his belief in the power of prayer to reverse misfortune in any situation.

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