
Sophia Chase



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Sophia abridges a letter from Thomas Bates and provides context regarding G.M. West. She tells Chase she expected he would want to return to England and won't hold him back from doing so.




Thomas Bates, G.W. Marriott, Missionary Register, Ridley Hall, River Tyne, Northumberland, Hollingsworth, Bishop of Durham, R. Von Milwart, England, G.M. West, English money, agriculturalist, Bishop Hobart, Lord Bexley, Lord Gambier, Kirkleavington, Yorkshire, Rutland, Mr. Glass, Niles, Mr. Remington, Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Canton, J. Finnery, Samuel Chase



Gilead M.I. Sep 23


My dear Husband,

As you directed I have looked over the letters to give you some account of Thomas Bates [Esqr.] The first notice was we had of him was Dec 1829 in a gift of €100 and a promises of the like yearly for ten years it was paid Through Mr. Marriott - The only letter written by him to you is dated May 1831, by which I learn he had received three from you - his letter is of 4 sheets I will abridge it - his first knowledge of you was from the Missionary Register of July 1829 at that time he was living at Ridley Hall on the Tyne in Northumberland at being exceedingly disgusted with Rd. [Northl.] Hollingsworth when conduct in the purchase of an estate appears anything but honest - Mr. B. addressed a letter to the Bp. of Durham R. Von Milwart who declined interfering and seeing Hollingsworth still in good favour with the Clergy he says he dispaired [sic] of seeing the Episcopl Church properly conducted (according to his ideas of true religion) in England and delighted with what he saw in the Register he determined to sell all he had and come to Ohio.

At this time he heard at West at Bradford and visited him there and believing no one could be recommended to you as your Chaplain but a pious man he says I frankly told him my intention - to go to Ohio - West answered all his inquiries and promised to write to you to answer some important particulars - several pages are here taken up to show Wests duplicity and artifice to get money from him - receiving your first letter (of thanks) which continued no answer to the inquiries which West promised to make he was convinced of his untruth when he asserted that he had written to you - and getting letters continuing him against West he wrote Mr Marriot who stood forth his champion and apologist - At this time he recd your 2d letter dated July 1830 (of which we have a copy) this gives an account of the situation of the College affairs and was written soon after Wests return to Gambier when he claimed a premiere from you that he should be your successor in the Episcopate he had then left as he said for [Conade] he did not lay claim to actual consecration until his second visit in Sep that was on after thought) on receiving this letter Mr. Bates says “I wrote a strong letter to Mr. Marriot intreating [sic] the Trustees “to help forward a subsection for your College thro’ the “Bishops or otherwise; I said I would give one pound “for every nine they collected whether they raised €180 or €900 English money And fearing they would decline “exerting themselves thinking in my zeal I would “do it myself I positively said I would comit [sic] you “nothing, but in the way I proposed, and hoped for “once they would exert themselves and gave them “three months after which I said I would give “nothing - For 5 months Mr. Marriot never wrote me “and then when he did write he paid they declined “making any further subscription - and paid me many empty compliments - that had no meaning “but would [?] those who like flattery”

“I need not say how much I was disappointed at “Wests deceiving - and with great reluctance I gave “up a plan on which my heart was set - and I “felt disgusted with the cold indifference of the “higher clergy in England to assist either in the B Society “Or Missy. Exertion or indeed anything by which true and vital religion may be promoted while they “exert every [?] to catch at greater preferment “for themselves and families - self and self alone, seems to ingross [sic] their [whole] all - But I see a prospect not “for distant, of a change in the [Ecclel.] as well as the “civil affairs of this country and I do hope and pray it “may prove a life giving impulse to the Episcopal “Church of Engd and draw forth increased efforts for the spread of true religion throughout the world - I shall patiently wait the result and if the Lord preserve “my life and please to employ my services in his own “course tho’ it be only that of a [heaven] of [word] and “drawn of water I shall be a willing servant”

He thus goes on to state the depressed state of the Agriculturalist - was in [land] [on] in 1824 had he then met with you his property would have sold for one third more and he would have gladly have accompanied you to Ohio - goes on to speak of the Collieries - Manufactories &c &c. The 4th sheet gives his manner of life he commenced on 120 acres not as an owner - for three years his expenditures were not over eighty dollars per anu - and though under twenty years of age he says by good management I soon made the land being yearly more than its [?] from the prosperity that has attended his industry he encourages you to preserve in you plans for advancing the College property to [cease] from [there] and look up for a Divine blessing -- This letter was sent out by [Cal] [Pawl] and received only a few week before we left Gambier by it came also €11,10 a present to your wife which you drew for a while we were at the Valley - - Again “I should be most happy to receive an American Ch Prayer Book and to know fully about your Church Government rules regulations &c. - also a copy of Bp. Hobarts sermon with notes published after his return from England I had it but West took it from my library in my absence -”

“P.S. Lord Bexley I have often written to “and seen him Lord Gambier I once breakfasted “with at Mr. Wilber[farces] house and [from] “drawing his attentions so forcible to the [haried] “character of a clergyman whose conduct I “had reported thought I would have made him “remember me West said he did not - “with Mr Marriot I have had no communication until now

It is dated “Kirkleavington, near Yarm Yorkshire England”

Sep 30

Your last recd a week since was dated from [Rutland] I was not at all surprised to hear you talk of visiting Engd my mind has been prepared for such an [count] ever since you left home - should you determine to go it will be a dreary anxious winter for us but I trust you are under the direction of God and then all will be right - I will throw no selfish impediments in the way - we are all well - Mr. Glass’s family all convalescent through Albert is still here confined to the bed my Scotch baby quilt recovered I shall send her home tomorrow - Mr Remington has just returned from Niles - I think he will move there - by the way remember the 1st of October $200 will be due him it will be deposited in the “Farmer’s and Mechanics Bank Canton” with interest for one year so said J Finnery - and you check will be wanted to fulfil [sic] your contract with Reminton

Last mail brought us a letter from Sam’l he mentioned he had a good opportunity to send for your library and thought it would be your wish that he should - they expected to go to housekeeping the week after he [wrote] --

I have had a very fatiguing unsettled life for the last three months owing to the sickness in the neighborhood - but trust it, is, nearly over - all seem getting better and I hear of new cases - boneset is more thought of than ever - how is it you acknowledge but one letter from me I have written you six times this making the seventh --

With respect to the paper you mention to set aside Wests demand I trust none are necessary [let] him prove his claim on you - he has no promise of reward that I know of - his collection was €400 his expenses by sea and land paid - beside what the Ohio trustees foolishly gave to his impudent demand Mr Marriots letters are so [?] with commendations that West would like to see them [?] willing to forget he bitterly repented his [?]

With best love to all with whom this may find you I remain your affect. Wife SM Chase

Letter to Philander Chase



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