
Sophia Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Sophia updates Chase on the illness spreading through Gilead and her attempts to help those who are sick. Some of Chase's letters have been delayed and she anxiously awaits the rest. She also includes a list, left in Chase's desk, of men who own land in Illinois.




Rochester, Philander Chase Jr., Mr. Remington, Mr. Glass, D. Jones, Dudley Chase, Mary Chase, Polly Marsh, farming, Mrs. Russel, Springfield, Paul Beck, Dr. Hawks, Mr. Bowman, William Sparrow, Louisiana


Gilead Aug 8th 1835

My dear Husband,

As yet we have only your letter from Rochester but trust Philander will bring us further intelligence today - most thankful am I that your health is preserved and trust your time is passing usefully and happily among christian friends. The boys are still in the harvest. Mr. Remington & Glass’s and D Jones assisting, today I think they will finish the wheat the hay is already to bring in and the oats will be cut on monday. Dudley and Mary had each a chill last sunday but by timely remedies only one Dudley was enabled to go to work wednesday and Mary is again quite well. I wish I could say Mr Glass’s family had been as quickly cured, but altho’ I have pursued the same method with them, only one out of three have missed their ague - and 2 new cases were added yesterday - so that now Mr Glass and three girls are sick - one girl and the little boy convalescent. Mrs [Forgden] and Polly Marsh have found the benefit of [?], and are happily off my hands. My daily ride is now to the Randle farm - where we travelled so often last summer. I pray for the blessing of providence on the means used.

In [schools] there has been one death Mrs Blanchard died last sunday of the inflammatory fever.

Mrs Russel had a letter from Sam’l dated July 20th I presume he was well though he said nothing about it. Said he had written you and but little else, referring to a letter he had sent me, never received - delayed as your letters were - five have been at last forwarded after a months delay at some western post office - they had all the Springfield post mark - five weeks difference in the dates of those that came at the same time. No letters yet from Eng’d should anything important occur I shall write to care of P. Beck.

Dr Hawks election I see is likely to be contested. I think often Mr Bowmans letters, he would not consent to be consecrated for Louisiana as little harmony could subsist between him and the Clery there.

I see Wm Sparrow is appointed professor in Theological Seminary Va will he not think you be glad to run from a house he has been so active in undermining.

All desire an affectionate remembrance and feel very anxious to hear from you but trust in Gods goodness to see you again in health - so prays your Affectionate wife

SM Chase

(left in your desk) names of persons owning lands in Illinois.

Stephen B Mann N. 500 & odd Broadway NY

CJ Moulton

George W Barrian office on Hudson St

Sam C Wiggins Cincinnati

Benjamin Shutcliff - Boston

George Gardner - Troy NY

Letter to Philander Chase



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