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Chase updates his nephew on his travels. He assures him that he is safe and that he is about 47 miles from Springfield, Illinois.
Dr. Houghan, Fletcher, Springfield, Danville, Pyatt, Robert Wilson, Mr. Wilson
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Samuel Chase" (1835). Philander Chase Letters. 974.
To the Rev. S. Chase
At. Mr. Robert Wilsons
July 1st. Wednesday 1835
Very Dear Nephew.
I traveled “through unfrequented paths” a bout [sic] 20 miles yesterday after leaving the company of our dear Friend Dr Houghan at Fletcher’s. - This puts me now only 47. miles from Springfield: which is getting on but slowly. The fact is I could not go on any further yesterday for it was four oclock P.M when I arrived here and the next reach to [Pyatt], on the Danville road was at least above twenty miles without a house and only to be [?] by a blind path. So that stay here I must. -- I found however the people kind and obliging and I have fared very well and am thankful to God and “mine Host.” His son however is very sick with the fever & I have endeavoured to minister to him.
Mr. Robt. Wilson is a Cumberland Presbyterian but is very desirous of getting a Prayer book a thing he has never seen. I have promised him one & doubtless he will call on you for that purpose. Pray give him one: it may do him good: & perhaps the neighbourhood.
Don’t be anxious about my safety: Remember I am under the care & merciful direction of an infinitely wise powerful Providence who will do with me what seemeth him good: & that is always for the best: be it for life or death sickness or health. I go on my way rejoicing in this holy consolation - O may may [sic] this same Being watch over you and loved Sarah for good. and with his abundant love bless you and all our dear Friends in Springfield.
Ever, and as ever, your faithful
Friend & affectionate Uncle
Philander Chase