
Dudley Chase



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Dudley tells George to use the money that George will be giving to Dudley when he next visits Vermont for his own use, to be replaced by Dudley when he arrives. Dudley expresses his pride in George.




Washington D.C.


Dudley Chase, George Chase, Washington, Vermont


Washington April 26th 1816

Dear George,

You tell me that “Dana’s debt is discharged and that Dana wishes me to carry the money to Vermont on my return” from these expressions in your letter, I conclude that the money due on the demand I left with you [eryt] Duct Smith, is collected and in your hands, when its [owner] has decided it should remain until my return to Vermont. If I am right in this, (and I presume I am) I wish you to take these from $30.00 and apply it to your own use according to your pleasure and [convenience], and I will make up the deficiency in Dana’s money, thereby occasioned, when I receive the same from your hands. Furthermore, George, I wish you to take from that fund, whatever sum your pleasure, to supply not only your part necessities, but your present conveniences. The risque of sending money by mail, induces me to wait to o’fund for supply. And I see no impropriety in that cause, provided you keep an amount of the money, [?], so that I may be able to only to supply the sum, but to kind of money, you shall so take.

Your letter gave more pleasure and satisfaction than I have time for words to express — And I hope you will excuse me when I say that I know I could be of value to you, was by no means the smallest item in the list of facilities which your letter produced.

Had you been distinguished by faulty-favor I could not have been half so much gratified, half so proud for the honor shown you, as I do pull by the happening of those events which your letter discusses. The same spirit that could stoop to the meanness to palm upon the world, for its own, that which even the production of another, is alone calculated to conciliate the favor of a tyrant, or to soften the stern brow the the Bigot into the smile of appreciation. To be [?] and found by such men is no honor — their praises are only to be esteemed when unintentionally bestowed.

Farewell, My dear George, shall see you in a few days. Excuse my not answering you more particularly — I write this in my place in Senate Chamber, in the midst of vote and motions —

Yours Affectionately

Dudley Chase

Letter to George Chase



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