
Samuel Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Fragment of a letter in which Samuel tells Dudley that his brother, Philander, would like to borrow some money from Dudley in order to ensure swift completion of his farm. Samuel is convinced Philander "acted judiciously" in resigning.




Randolph, Philander Chase, General Convention, New York City, trustees, Cleveland, Michigan, Mrs. Russell, resignation


Drewsville N.H. Oct 1832

To The Hon. D. Chase

Dear Sir

I had hoped to have handed you the letter accompanying [this]. But circumstances have prevented my writing Randolph so soon as I intended when I left Ohio, and since I expect to set off for New York next week to be present at the General Convention I have [concluded] to mail your Brothers letter and also to acquaint you by letter with a request from him, [?]. Since the Trustees of K.C. do not pay him sums long since due by book account he is much in want of funds to enable him to finish his house and [?] in a comfortable abode for himself and family during the coming winter. The Institution is indebted to him exclusive of his donations, by Book Account fourteen hundred dollars which they say is impossible to be [paid] at present or at least they decline doing so, under these circumstances he wishes you to favour him with the use of four or five hundred dollars for a time. He would not ask it except he was confident of being able to return it in a short period of time.

I [parted] with your Dear Brother Philander on the 17th of Sept at Cleaveland Ohio. He was on his way to Michigan, accompanied by his family [&] Mrs Russell and daughter. They were all in good health and spirits. In abandoning the Diocese of Ohio under existing circumstances I am persuaded your Brother acts judiciously, his own [peace] as well as the happiness of his family require that he should leave a place so replete with unhappy recollections and associations as Ohio most necessarily. [he] The [measures] which compelled him to retire from the College were a [disgrace] to any community much more to one assuming the appellation of a Christian one. His expulsion may partly be attributable to a few. I beleive [sic] I speak within the bounds of truth in asserting that four fifths of the Churchmen in Ohio are anxious for his restoration. And those who are not mem

Letter to Dudley Chase



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