
Philander Chase



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Chase travels to White Pigeon in the Mongoquinon prairies to get wheat ground at a mill in order to make bread for his family to sustain on. He updates his wife on their sons and the rest of Chase's company, as well as the building projects he has undertaken.




Mongoquinon, Henry Chase, Dudley Chase, Mrs. Russell, Adaline, Mrs. Gale, Col. Hugh, Mr. Critchfield, Richardson, Elisha Skinner, Samuel Chase, White Pigeon, Michigan


White Pigeon. July 10 1832

My Dear Wife:

Henry is here with me. We left home yesterday in the Jersey Wagon, about 9 oclock; & had a most delightful road and journey the whole way. Except one muddy place in crossing Crooked Creek and a few grubs in the newly laid out part of the road, never was there a better path for a carriage. In passing thro’ English -- Pretty. & Mongoquinon praries [sic] the view is most expansive, and the frequent extensive fields of grain in some of which the reapers had already commenced the harvest gave a richness and mellowness to the scenery truly gratifying. Henry was delighted and often with me wished for the presence of his mother and Mrs. Russell and the whole family complete his pleasure by [participation]. When we arrived at Mongoquinon Adaline was [from] home. Mrs. Gale a kind neighbor to her, however, supplied her place in shewing us every kindness. I hope to return to Adeline’s this day. (Turn over)

My errand in coming was to get some grain (wheat) ground for bread to sustain the family. --

You may look grave at the thought of coming 24 miles to mill. But you may be assured that I am in the way of having milling both for food and boards much nearer home. For proof of this I will tell you that by the help of Dudley and [Henry] last week I discovered a most excellent mill-seat on Prarie River, north east of us about 1 ¼ mile and. the lot on which this is situated I have entered; and hope to get some one to erect a mill there on soon.

Col. Hugh when I left home was perfectly home; and altho’ he seemed at first a little homesick yet as he sees more of the country he increases his expressions of admiration of the country.

Mr Critchfield had not yet arrived. nor was it - nor is it time he should. These 6 days: for his ox-team is necessarily very slow.

The ploughing goes on slowly. Richardson & Family are in the house: and altho Mrs R. is now quite recovered yet the noise and and [sic] quarrels of a number children is rather annoying -- The Col. is building a small store house by itself (6 feet [square]) which may answer hereafter as a smoak [sic] house. This is to be a depot the key of which Henry is to keep. I hope to see this finished when I get home tomorrow noon. We then intend to erect one of the side bed Rooms of which I spoke to you as attached to the House. It will be 16 [by] 12. of course large enough to accommodate myself & the two boys and the Col: & Critchfield & Elisha! I have tried to get a cooking [?] in this town but there is none [stove] [?] however are expected soon when some renew my application fill which time we must cook our of doors.

Pray write often to me & tell me how Saml. C.’s pamphlet comes on. I seem to forget as well as forgive my Enemies: and indeed I would be very glad to forget that they & all their mean actions had ever existed.

Henry desires to be most affectionately remembered to Mrs. R. & Sarah. and to Mary & Philander. As for myself you know I am always yours

P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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