
Lord Kenyon



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Kenyon is happy to hear that West has left Ohio. He writes Chase to ask if a reverend named J. Cradock might be able to settle with his family in Gambier.




Lord Howden, Rev. J. Cradock, G. M. West, George Montgomery West, Mr. Cleaver, Archbishop of Dublin, Marianne Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, Edward Kenyon, Margaret Kenyon, Percy Kenyon



Jany 23


My dearest Bishop

I heartily rejoice to [send] Mr West has left Ohio, & [hope] he is not to return there. I certainly still believe him to have been honest & zealous in all his conduct in the British Isles in behalf of Ohio. [Of] his pecuniary honesty I have no no suspicion whatever, nor of his [denial] to collect subscriptions for Ohio & to save it from being ex[pir]ed [to] expenses. With his behaviour after his [lord] [whent] to Ohio from England, I am [certainly] not at all satisfied especially with his [claim] for your aid that he might become your [successor] wh. I think was utterly indefensible; and the want of [respect] towds. you his greatest earthly benefactor who with a warmth of heart & simplicity of zeal wh. very few others wd. have [shewn] took him at once to your bosom, I can’t forgive. I write now in consequence of having had a letter brought me from Lord Howden formerly [Gerlhin] [I.] Cradock desiring me to recommend to you the Revd. Mr. J Cradock (in Pri[?] [today]) his near relation who wishes to settle in Ohio. I have by me a high testimonial in his favour from Mr Cleaver son of the late Dr Cleaver Achbp. of Dublin an excellent man & [whose] son also is highly respected. Mr Cleaver writes this: “You always felt much interest in Mr Cradock, [but] since you had any intercourse with him, he seem[s] to have made rapid progress, & to have become a truly devoted Xtian Minister. I shall feel a very serious loss, whenever it shall please the Lord to fix elsewhere. For he is [rendering] us most valuable service. He has a Lecture every Wedny Eveg at the end of the Glen of the [town], wh. is attended by all 40 persons & another on Sunday eveng at the same place. And I never heard people express themselves with greater affection towds a pastor than these [poor] people do towds him, or with greater delight in listening to the S S expounded. Mrs Cradock always accompanies him & is an helpmeet for him. They have quite won the peoples hearts” He writes more to the like purpose. Mr C is abt 40, has 3 children the eldest 5 yrs old. He is new Curate of Rathdrum [Co.] Wicklow, Dublin Diocese. I will write to the [Abp] of Dublin [concerng.] him. His Uncle was Dean of [St] Patrick his father Prebendary of [St] Patrick & a Rector in the Co Cavan. He says his Wife is afraid, partly from interpretation of prophecies she has read that great calamities are coming on Ireland, & wishes to get to a quiet land where they who addict themselves to preaching may live in peace [&] the labourer be found worthy of hire; Maintenance, not wealth, is what they wish. Now my dearest Bishop enable me from your authority to [?] an answer as may enable Mr C to determine whether he dare venture to move his Wife & 3 babes to Ohio; & that if more apply to me I may explain what hopes of usefulness duty & situation they may anticipate. In my reply wh. I gave to Mr C I only told him he might be sure of a most kind reception, & have the power of being very instrumental in preaching the Word of Salvation. Let me hear soon. My precious Marianne Lloyd & Edwd are quite well & in God’s mercy I trust what my own blessed Margarets & my Percy wd wish such [?] to [me]. Ever your most affecte. friend Kenyon

We are all peaceable about [here] & about Peel, & go to London on the 31st [ev.]

Letter to Philander Chase



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