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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
Rev. Ward takes a strong stance against West and in defense of Chase. He also discusses potential outcomes regarding Philip Moore's estate.
Mary Ohio, Lord Kenyon, Mr. West, pamphlets, St. Peter, Elders of Ephesus, St. Paul, Charlotte Ward, Diotrephes, Mr. Wilks, James Moore, Philip Moore, Mr. Paul Beck, Mr. Marriott, Bishop of London
Recommended Citation
Ward, Rev. W., "Letter to Philander Chase" (1831). Philander Chase Letters. 878.
![Letter to Philander Chase](
My very dear Bishop
You will probably have recd. a long letter from me before this can reach you enclosing one from your affectionate Mary Ohio.
Lord Kenyon sent me your letter to him giving a simple narrative of Mr. West’s conduct & transactions since his return to Ohio up to that date, without any bitter animadversions leaving us to comment & draw the conclusions. This christian spirit is not overlooked by us. It is just what we expected from a follower of the meek & patient Jesus. How unlike the inflated vindictive Pamphlet that [preceeded] it! We sympathize deeply with you. But we are sure that the master whom you serve will plead your cause, and bring much good to you, & your church & your great work, out of this evil. The only good fruits that ever West can reach from it will be dust & ashes. God grant that he may represent & confess.
[Crossed out section]
Surely He is wrong in his head. (I am obliged to blot out what my feelings suggest in this matter). This is the best apology that can be made for his heart. He has been guilty of a species of ingratitude of the worst description. What of converting the affectionate farewell benedictions of his best friend into hassile [sic] weapons against the heart that uttered them. But your prayers will return into your own bosom. He has forfeited them for ever, unless he humble himself before God with deep contrition, open confession & repentance. It is not only you that he injures by this extraordinary claim, but the church. You are mortal, and when you die, you will not rest from your labours, & no evil of man or Devil can follow you beyond the grace. But your church will remain, & West has inflicted a wound upon it, which the enemy will not suffer to be healed in a day. You may remember our parting with you for the last time in Colchester, in the house of the pious vicar of St. Peter’s with the feelings of the Elders of Ephesus towards St. Paul, sorrowing most of all that we should see your face no more. We all kneeled down & craved your farewell blessing, and you uttered words from the heart, which we shall never forget, laying your hand on each of our heads. There were present besides the vicar & me, his wife & two daughters & my angel daughter Charlotte, now in Heaven. Now as well might we have [presended] that you had consecrated us all, men girls & old women, and made us copartners with, & successors to the Bishop of London & Ohio, as for West to lay claim to the Episcopal character. There is something so ridiculous in this that if it was not so grave & so grievous a matter one would be inclined to laugh, & sell it as a good joke. Surely it is viewed with the same revolting feelings on your side the Atlantic that it is on this. See the 3d. epistle of St. John [viz] 9 & 10 Diotrephes, who loved to have the [preeminence], is supposed to have been a Jew who opposed the admission of the Gentiles, & set himself up at the head of a party in opposition to the apostles, “prating against St. John with malicious words” John says “I will remember his deeds.” Had the offence been against St. John alone, he could have forgiven & forgotten it; but as the offence was an impediment to the faith very prejudiced to the church, he opposed & openly reproved it. Go then & do likewise. Forgive & poty the man as far as concern yourself, but fight the good fight of faith for the church. Stand up firm like a lofty rock amidst the waves regardless of every noisy attack, where your church, or your college, or any of the works of God that you have in hand, are assailed, but let all this be done with that spirit that was in Christ Jesus, and may his spirit & blessing ever be with you ----- I must now advert to Mr. Wilks affair concerning which I enclose a document, you have before this received his letter of attorney vesting you with unrestricted discretionary power. The first thing you are to ascertain is whether James Moore’s widow, & wife of Mr. Wilks is heir to the whole, or any share of James Moore’s portion of the land according to the laws of the state, in which the lands lie. If the law be in favour of primogeniture, I fear it will go against her. If the widow come in before the grand children of Philip Moore, & nephews of James you have full power to act, and if you succeed, 5 p.cent of the proceeds is secured to your college for ever, in [trust] to you & your successors; and should you find that by one & the same process you can obtain Philip Moore’s property also, be so good as to write to me such a letter as I can shew his heirs, ad I will endeavour to [raise] them from their lethargy, & to grant a similar endowment to your college. This is a thing not to be procrastinated. Mr. Wilks is very old and infirm and the object to the College is great if you succeed. Mr. Paul Beck names a eminent Lawyer in Philadelphia who would undertake the business & ascertain Mr. Wilk’s title. Pray do not let this sleep. Rest assured that this unfortunate affair of West’s will only have effect of [rivitting] your English Friends more closely to you. I had almost forgotten to mention that the only thing that West brings forward that can tell the least against you is some one, two, or three hundred pounds in your receipt from England within the period of his mission, you should [?] no time in clearing this up to Mr. Marriott & Lord Kenyon. If you have not been in the habit of immediately booking your receipts & disbursements money may soon be recd. & spent in the works which may be forgotten. But I tell you inter nos it is very essential that you stop West’s sending over monthly a clear statement. Except this he has not a foot to stand upon. Let me hear from you in details. I have written a volume on your business in this affair which one day you may learn.
I must beg you will not use me name, or bring the vengeance of the man upon me. Kindest remembrances from all here.
Your ever faithful & affectionate friend
& brother
W. S. & M.
The above respecting the misapplication of money by you is all a mistake, which you will see [?] Bishop [?] in the accompanying long letter. I have written a [?] volume in your [causes]. My wife says I must write no more for my stomach’s sake. I have enough on hand in church & college buildings. [&] of the [former], the College as high as the first floor.
Isle of Mann.
Jan 15. 1831