
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase gives an account of his daily activities, relaying to his wife who he has visited in the last two days.




Mr. Johns, Mr. Allen, Maria Booth, Mr. Coome, Rev. Mr. Hawley, Mr. Vaun, Mr. Wright, Rev. Mr. Brook, Mrs. Fitch, Temperance Society, Georgetown, Judge Cranch, Aunt Cranch, Mr. Hewet, Journal of Humanity, Andover


Washington 27 Dec. 1829

My Dear Wife

I officiated yesterday for the Rev. Mr. John’s. In the afternoon I went to Mr. Allen’s church at the navy yard. Called in and saw Maria Booth who is quite ill with the liver complaint. Staid all night at Mr. Coome’s. Came home and went with the Rev. Mr. Hawley and called on the Prest. the [Secretanes] and Mr. [Vaun]; and then went to Geo. Town to see Mr. Wrights family. I dined at the Rev. Mr. Brook’s and with him called on Mr. Wright. Mrs. Fitch’s sister is better and all the rest quite well.

I then walked to this city and attended the meeting of the Temperance Society & heard Judge Cranch the Prest. & Mr. Hewet of Cont. make speeches very excellent.

I subscribed for the Journal of Humanity a good paper printed at Andover for $2. I then came home with aunt Cranch & the little girls: & so have walked more than 9 miles today.

Your faithful & affectionate

Husband P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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