
Lord Kenyon



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Lord Kenyon discusses his trip to Europe with his daughters following his daughter Margaret's death. He also discusses displays of Catholicism in Rome which he disapproved of as well as politics in England. He reports that Mr. West is sick and may not be able to sail to America until the spring.




Margaret Kenyon, G.W. Marriott, Rome, Bishop Lloyd of Oxford, Mr. West



Sept’r 18


My dearest Bishop

I brought my two precious remaining girls back here on the 18th well I bless God, & much the better for our Continental excursion. I found your kind letter acknowledging my beloved precious sainted Marg’t’s legacy of £500 (for such I shd wish it to be ever considered) in passing thro’ London; your affec’te remembrance of her, & indeed she well deserved it, is very precious to my heart. In her & her beloved Mother both now I have no doubt possessed of the joys of Paradise. I have 2 tenderly enjoyed additional objects to strengthen my Xtian inducements to strive not to be found unfit by God’s grace thro’ the merits of our blessed only sufficient Redeemer to be admitted there. For me & mine for all that is really good for as I know, & have true comfort in knowing, we have your precious prayers. My 2 dear sons are well & good & happy.

Our excellent friend G W Marriott only over exerts himself in trying to do good in every way in his power. He is again suffering a sad trial in his daughter Betsy’s illness, but I trust she is rather better & likely to be quite well. Hope differed however in illness maketh the heart sick, as I well know by often experienced sorrow. When we were at Rome we saw the old statue of Jupiter being since by a new head converted into one of St. Peter. It is most superstitiously venerated by devotees & the foot much worm by their kisses. We saw one man paying it that attention. The superstition & idolatry of the Romish Church is really shocking. The bowings, the rising up & kneeling down again, turning about to the Congregation, crossing himself, elevating the Host and, above all the making the blessing communion of the Body & Blood of our Blessed Saviour the offering of a Priest authoritatively exercised, instead of a commemorative religious memorial by faithful Xtians accord’g to their Blessed Masters’ dying injunction is altogether horrible to see & to think of. To reflect that in last spring our hitherto Protestant Country shd have done anything to lessen the as yet decided antipathy wh. Protestant Britain had shown to Romish idolatry is very painful to my mind. The Bishop who was most earnest for it, tho’ he expressly declared his sentiments were entirely against what he supported (I mean Bishop Lloyd of Oxford) it is generally considered died of mortification at the disgust which his conduct had created. Professor of divinity as he was at Oxford & compelled as the students of Divinity at that University therefore were to receive instruction from his likes I cannot but feel that his removal is a signal blessing to our Church. Of politics I am quite sick after the revolting charge of conduct we have witnessed in publick [sic] men in whom I had felt entire confidence. Good Mr West has not been well but is very anxious to return to his beloved & respected Bishop. Whether he will be well enough to make it safe for him to sail till the spring seems doubtful. He is again suffering persecution for righteousness sake. Good GW Mtt & I will take care his character shall be only the more raised by calumnies imparted to him. All our love & reverence & believe me your most affect’e friend


Letter to Philander Chase



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