
R.R. Wormeley



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Wormeley discusses meeting Bishop Chase in England and the reaction to his cause there.




England, Dr. Ward, Great Horkesley, Essex, Prime Minister, Lord Goodrich, Lord Grantham, Dr. Portens, Bishop of London, George Canning, John Quincy Adams, Theological Review



Boston 5th March 1828.

Dear Sir

It may appear strange to you that I should address a letter upon a subject with which I may be supposed so little informed. During a recent visit in England I was much and earnestly interrogated touching the Religious doctrines feelings and habits of the United States & Bishop Chase had at that moment excited much interest and admiration in the Kingdom. I found the most ready listeners to whatever could contribute to their desires on that score. The enclosed letter is from the Pen of Dr. Ward then Rector of Great [Horkesley] in Essex but recently I [perceive] exalted to a Bishopric, a natural course of [?] as he had the good fortune in early life to be selected the Rector of the present Prime Minister Lord Goodrich. This [Reverend] Gentleman was a Curate and being a good scholar and I believe a better man was recommended to the Father Lord Grantham by Dr. Portens the then Bishop of London as an eligible person for the Post of tutor to his son.

Dr. Ward, as did most of the Clergy in England, took the liveliest interest in promoting the views of Bishop Chase & to hear them express their admiration and veneration of that Apostolic Divine (their designation of him) would delight the hearts of all those Christians who glory in so good and holy a cause. My invariable answer to the question as to the effect of illuminating the Western Wilderness with the light of the Gospel, would be the defeat of wicked Politicians in [goading] the two most christianized, freest and enlightened Nations to destroy their mutual happiness and moral example upon the feelings of less favoured Countries. The George Cannings and John Quincy Adams of forthcoming days will I trust, find their designs quite out date.

Tho’ highly interesting, I shall not trouble you with the pamphlets which accompanied Dr. Ward’s letter. One was from the Pen of the Editor of the Theological Review the other from that of Lord Kenyon, son of the celebrated Judge [?] Bishop Chase in all the [pureness] simplicity and laboriousness of a Primitive Apostle. I commit the letter to yr. pleasure and have only to beg your pardon, should my views in presenting it be consider obtrusive.

With much respect for your character & every wish for yr. welfare & happiness I remain

R.R. Wormeley

Letter to Rev. William Meade



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