"Letter to Sophia Chase" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase updates his wife on what he has been doing in Washington and responds to letters enclosed with her last.




John Quincy Adams, Dudley Chase, Mr. Allen, Mr. John, City Hall


Sunday 10. Feb

Washing’n C. 1828

4 oclock PM

My dear Wife

I have preached this morning in the Capitol. The President was there and a great audience. Brother Dudley gave me your letter with the inclusions of Mr Allen’s and Mr P[?]s letters. God be praised that this great work is accomplished! Brother D’y will give me his bond for the money tomorrow. As for Mr B Allen’s condition about my furnishing letters for his book (not mine) – It is all a [judge]. The money no doubt has been subscribed: if so it will be paid. He must be romancing and I have told him so. I am sorry that he even for a moment thought that I could be influenced by anything held out in this way.

I shall preach this evening in Mr Johns Congregation in the City Hall.

May God bless you all

Your faithful & loving Hus’d

P Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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