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Lord Kenyon thanks Chase for his letter and reiterates his support and appreciation for Mr. West, who has just returned to Ireland. Kenyon also discusses progress with subscriptions as well as his efforts to provide Mr. West with a good number of men to accompany him to Ohio.
Ireland, G.W. Marriott, Mr. West, Archbishop of Armagh, Earl of Roden, Lady Rosse, Adam Hodgson, Mrs. Marriott, George Marriott, Oxford, Selina Marriott, Peel Hall, Aunt Kenyon, Mrs. Chase, Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop of Bath & Wells
Recommended Citation
Lord Kenyon, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 741.

Nov’r 24
My dearest Bishop
We are all much obliged by your kind letter which I rec’d on the 22nd, and rejoice greatly at the good account of your health wh. the packet of letters brings, & wh. your account of your pursuits I trust sanctions. Good Mr West is just returned to Ireland having passed thro’ as severe a scrutiny & come out of it I am thoro’ly persuaded, as pure as your heart could desire. Our excellent friend G Marriott as in all else that he undertakes for that sacred cause wh. is nearest his heart has been indefatigable & scrupulous in his inquiries, & I am convinced he is as entirely satisfied as I am & more & more persuaded of Mr W’s fervent devotion to you & to your sacred cause. How delighted I am that you have actually paid for your 8,000 Acres, & bless God that I have been permitted to be one of your contributors & to your Church, also. Tow’ds this latter object I trust subscriptions are still coming in. The excellent Archbishop of Armagh & Earl of Roden have subscribed thro’ me, and I trust other subscriptions from thence (Ireland) are coming in, as well as from that most excellent high Lady The Countess of Rosse. I am anxious to hear what number of companions Mr W will take with him, & have [?] him all I can to bring you a good supply, tho’ I confess the loss of such men from Ireland is a lamentable matter, & especially now that I fear our Govt is not so much as alive as heretofore to the paramount importance of duly supporting the Church at home & in our own Colonies. Adam Hodgson who continues most kind in forwarding letters both ways suggests that all letters meant for me, or to be forwarded by me, should be directed to me, to the care of A H, Liverpool. It would lessen the Ship charges he says, & there being so much less paper. Our dear friend Mrs Marriot of Queen Ly has had 2 misfortunes this year poor thing, but I trust she may escape further hazard, & not have her health injured after about 20 years of married life. Their son George I trust is going on very well at Oxford, & their dear Selina is in much better health than she was; & our good friends situation as a Police Magistrate sums to suit exactly his comfort & his health. He is indeed an invaluable man. You will never I trust my dearest Bishop regret having ordained good Mr West. The [?] of your 2 excellent Bishops must be felt to be sufficient justification for your deprecating from the [latter] of your regulations when the spirit of them under the peculiar circumstances of W’s condition & the benefit to be obtained by his ordination would have endangered at least by the delay regained by the letter. I trust the case will be considered so peculiar as to make it an objectionable exception to a wise annual rule. It will also impose an add’l obligation on Mr West to let his light so shine as a Minister of His Blessed Lord as to give credit & honour to his Bishop. My previous orphans are all quite well, as is my venerated Aunt now 83 who is our guest, we having lately been here at Dear old Peel. She & they all unite in most affec’te & respectful remembrances to you; and with fervent prayers for your good health, good Mrs Chase’s & God’s best aid in your holy work I am your most affec’te & grateful friend,
The good Bishops of Salisbury & Bath & Wells are both very well, & as zealous friends to Ohio & you as ever.