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Lady Rosse expresses concern at hearing of Chase's fall and wishes him well. She hopes to meet Mr. West soon.
Duff Macfarlane, Lord Kenyon, Mr. West
Recommended Citation
Lady Rosse, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 730.

Stratton Hall Sept’r 22’d 1827
Lady Darrager Rosse returns many thanks to The Right Rev’d: Bishop Chase for his [hand] remembrance of her, & sincerely rejoices at the success of the good cause. She has seen with pleasure many of his letters to Miss Macfarlane & to Lord Kenyon but one gave her concern in telling the dangerous fall he got: She hopes he will never ride alone again, & that the good Scotchman continues to attend in these very dangerous long rides. Lady R will be glad to see the Rev’d Mr. West & to hear more of the progress of affairs in Ohio than letters could carry, for she is greatly interested, & will always rejoice to hear of the good Bishops prosperity & the success of this great undertaking