"Letter to Philander Chase" by Lady Olivia Sparrow



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Lady Sparrow expresses her continued support for Chase. She has left home due to illness but hopes to recover soon, and hopes that Lord Gambier will bring Mr. West to see her.




Lord Gambier, Mr. West


My dear Bishop. I thank you most cordially for the kind letter I received from you through Ld. Gambier, a few days ago. I assure you I participate in the warm interest your many friends take, in what concerns you & your important undertakings. All I have to communicate is so local, and so different from your pursuits, that I feel much obliged for the kindness which [maps] a place for me in your memory. I trust you will continue to [?] it in the way most important to me & most gratifying to Christian feelings, and that your remembrance of me & mine at the throne of grace may be answered to the objects themselves in blessings, but also to yourself and all blessing to you, you seem to have the light of God’s countenance upon you, and all you are doing. May this be continued with [unending] power, and may the peace which passes understanding be [ever] blessed portion in time & in Eternity. I have proposed to Lord Gambier when he comes to town, to bring Mr. West to see me. I shall have much pleasure in receiving me so highly valued by you. I am now near town and likely to remain either here, or in town for some time, having been driven from home by ill health, which has not yet received much improvement. But I am desired to expect it, and above all things I pray, in this all other concerns, to be able to honour all in the hands of my wise & generous God. Believe me with every cordial Christian wish your very sincere & obliged friend

Olivia B. Sparrow

Sept. 13th 1827

Letter to Philander Chase



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