"Letter to Philander Chase" by G.W. Marriott


G.W. Marriott



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Marriott asks Chase to write to Lady Palmer, whose husband has just died. He discusses the idea he and Lord Kenyon had for Chase's episcopal seal, and updates Chase on his English friends.




Lady Palmer, Sir Charles, Dr. Trevor, Leicester, Lord Kenyon, Great Horkesley, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Hoare, Sir Thomas Acland, Lady Acland, Colchester, Dr. Ward, Mr. Watters, Christian Remembrancer, Review, Kenyon College, Mrs. Chase


30th August 1827

My dear and venerated Friend

I write the oftener, you may well suppose, for hearing that your letters, if within weight, go free. I now write to suggest your addressing poor Lady Palmer, if you have not already done it. Your letter to her deceased husband, mentioning Dr Trevor (who died just before Sir Charles!) is gone to her, with no short envelope from my unworthy pen. I think an opportunity is given to your most touching one, to benefit a whole family! Three grown up [Dau’rs], & two sons, the eldest not more than 15, are left. All promise well, and are now peculiarly open to good influences, and from no human being can they be shed with more lively effect than from you. You will very likely have anticipated this, on account of a former suggestion from me. I shall be very glad, if this proves so. If not, write still as if you had heard but once, and not alluding to Dr T’s death as from me, but as having reached you. And directing your letter to Lady Palmer, [?] Hall, Leicester, or rather stating that to be her direction in your envelope to Lord Kenyon, ask him to forward it, as he will with great pleasure, free thro’ English Posts.

Lord K. and I have determined that your episcopal seal shall be Ohio with a mitre over it, and nothing else. We know it will descend, like the Pocket Sacrament Plate (which indeed is so inscribed) to your successors, Bishops in Ohio. If you will send the words of that inscription, they shall be recorded on the Casket of the Seal too. And your gifted Chaplain shall be the Bearer. He is now at Great Horkesley. The Bishop of London has fixed to receive him on Friday. He delivered a family lecture at Mr Hoare’s to ten of the family, fifteen maid-servants & twelve men-servants, last Sunday evening, Sir T. and Lady Acland being there, & augmenting the (never small) household. Lord Gambier has most cordially invited him to Iver. He breakfasted with the Huttons, Lady P’s Relations, at Colchester on Tuesday morning, as Dr Ward’s friend. His letter from thence is most cheerful. He was invited to Cambridge by the Editor of the Xtian Rememb’r: Mr Watters, (Times are altered!) but will not go just at present. I should not be surprised if Mr Watters is your Professor. I do not think a better could be found. The Sept’r: number of the Review will be sent to New York, & to Ireland. It will contain an Engraving of Kenyon College, & my attempt to circulate its merits. My dear wife will return with her book of mine next week, Deo volente, and then will see, & acknowledge [top of first page:] Mrs Chase’s most valuable present. Adieu! Most affectionately ever yours

G.W. Marriott

Mr West is invited to Sir T. Acland’s in Devon, & has a book from Lady A, & inscribed by her.

Letter to Philander Chase



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