
William Sparrow



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Resolutions on the Ohio Trustees of Kenyon College


Summer 6-8-1827


Mr. Morse, Mr. Hall, Mr. Wells, Mr. Josiah Barber, Philander Chase, Kenyon College, Theological Seminary, Mr. West, Europe, British Islands, Bank of the United States, Mr. Hogg, Committee, Mrs. Betsey Reed, Putnam, Ohio, Alum Creek, St. James’ Church, Zanesville, Muskingum County, Board of Trustees


Gambier Knox Co. Ohio

June 8th 1827

At a special meeting of the trustees of the Theological Seminary and Kenyon College in the diocese of Ohio, held at this time & place, present the Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, president, Messrs Morse & Hall, & [Besalul] Wells & Josiah Barber Esqrs.

The President commenced business by reading the following report, wherefore the Board adjourned, to meet tomorrow at eight o-clock. (See report.)

June 9th

Board met according to adjournment. President as yesterday. Resolved that the board do fully approved of the course which the President has taken to obtain a subscription of funds, to assist in erecting the necessary buildings for the Seminary & College, & what they are truly grateful for the great exertions he has made in obtaining these funds.

Resolved, that the Board do hereby make known, the lively sense of gratitude which they do feel, towards their friends in the East, for the liberality shown by them, in their contributions to aid in erecting the building for the College; & in justice to said contributors, do order that a list of the names be published with the minutes of the Board.

Resolved that this Board have heard, with much satisfaction, & with an increased conviction of the merciful interposition of Providence in behalf of the institution committed to their care, the very interesting communications relative to Mr. West, & that he be, & hereby is, respectfully requested to make, on his return Europe, such representations of the advantages to be derived from a settlement on the College lands, to his friends purposing to emigrate to these United States, as in his judgment he may think fit; & that he take such steps, during his stay in the British Islands, for the advancement of religion & learning in Ohio, as may be recommended through the Bishop of the Diocese.

Resolved that the Committee in whose names the monies rec’d as donations to the Seminary, are deposited in the Bank of the United States, be authorized to withdraw the same from said bank, & to apply so much thereof as may be necessary, to make full payment of the consideration money to Mr. Hogg [?], for the two sections of land, purchased from him for the the [sic] Seminary, & that the said committee procure from said Mr. Hogg, deeds for said sections, to the Theological Seminary of the Diocese of Ohio, as follows, [?] for the North Section, a deed of [grand] bargain & sale in fee simple; & for the south section, such a deed as will [rest] the title of said land in the said Seminary in perpetuity without the power of alienating the fee of the same from sd. Seminary; but that it may remain subject to be rented annually for the benefit of said Seminary & to be held perpetually under the control of the Trustees, so as to enable them at all times to remove from said land any thing that may tend to corrupt the morals of the students; or, to take such a deed as, in the opinion of said Committee, may be best calculated to promote the future interest of the Seminary.

Whereas Mrs. Betsey Reed of Putnam did in the month of March 18[25] give for the benefit of the Church in Ohio one [thousand] [?] of land on Alum Creek, leaving to the Rt. [Rev.] [Bishop] Chase to decide upon the manner in which this very munificent gift should be appropriated; & whereas the Bishop has decided that one half of sd. Land be the property of the Theol. Seminary in the diocese of Ohio, & the other of the St. James’ Church Zanesville, Muskingum Co. therefore authorised to see that the division be made & to obtain a deed of the half which may be designated as the property of the Seminary.

Resolved, that the Bishop be, & he hereby is, authorized & empowered to sell & convey, in fee simple, the north section purchased from William Hogg, or any part hereof; as also the lands on Alum Creek given to the Seminary by Mrs. Reed, or any part thereof.

William Sparrow

Sec. of the Board

Of Trustees

(A true copy)

Resolutions on the Ohio Trustees of Kenyon College



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