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Memorandum on founding Theological Professorship at Kenyon.
Arthur Tappan, Milnor Professorship, Board of Trustees, General Convention, Rev. James Milnor
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Memorandum on founding Theological Professorship at Kenyon" (1827). Philander Chase Letters. 679.
“Subscription for founding a Theological professorship in Kenyon College, Ohio.
1827 Jan’y 31st Arthur Tappan. One Thousand Dolls on constitution that the sum of Ten Thousand dollars is made up for the object from monies not yet obtained, within one year from this date: And provided the nomination & approval of the person to occupy the sd Professorship shall rest with the Rev’d James Milnor, & the professorship be called by his name. To be paid as soon as the Professor shall enter on the duties of his Office.”
Trustees of the Theo’l Sem’y of the Prost Epis’l Ch of the Diocese of Ohio are elected every 3’rd year by the members of the Convention – none can sit in the Convention but those who receive the sacrament in attestation of their Faith. There then is all [gt] Security that the nature of the case admits of, that the person whom they approve of & employ as Professor shall be a correct Man