
Philander Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Chase is still struggling with his ill health and intense feelings of homesickness. He is still planning to depart for New York and if he doesn't get well there, he will travel to Albany and Saratoga for their mineral waters.


Winter 1-9-1827


Mr. and Mr.s Allen, New York, Albany, Saratoga, Ohio, Mr. Seth Adams, Zanesville, Presbyterians


Philadelphia 9. Jan: 1827

My dear Wife:

I try to keep my affections for home and for you and my loved children from interfering with my duty to God, to his church and to my country: but I find the trials most too great for me. I am here, doing well, the subscriptions of money and donations in books and maps and apparatus etc are coming in for, very far beyond what was by the most even of my friends expected; my desire is to go home to New York where I hear things look for favourable than was feared: but all this is adding to the length of my banishment from those whom I can not but love more than all the world beside. And the effect my spirits is very unpleasant. My ill health too occasioned by the bad state of my blood seems to give [poison] & pungency to my homesick feelings, so that though surrounded by the kinde[st] friends especially in the pious Mr. & Mrs. Allen, yet when no one sees me I indulge I fear too much in tears. When I say “no one sees me,” I am conscious of the impiety of the expression: I know & feel that God sees me & knows all my re[?] repining thoughts; & therefore to him I look and pray for pardon and strength to go on in the path of duty, to run and not be weary to walk and not faint.

What I have said about my ill health I know will excite in your tender & faithful bosom feelings of great anxiety; & therefore I will tell you all that no room may be left for busy [fancy].

The tumor on my left hip was by the most powerful medicine, I mean external applications scattered, while at the same time due to measures were taken to purify the blood by proper [cathartics] & [diadrinks]. The latter were not so effectual as could be wished tho I believe they were salutary & perhaps saved me from worse consequences.

My right leg swelled & broke out in two places and my right great toe tumefied & became [ulcerated] around the nail. My right hip where the large tumour was scattered broke out in small blind boils which reached nearly round the body. Under all this assemblage of evils I kept about till yesterday when such was the pain of my right shin that I gave up and kept my bed again. This morning however I much better [sic]: and have doubt but under God’s gracious goodness I shall go on to New York at the appointed time. [?] next Monday -- your alarm will cease when I tell you that I [?] believe my present [?] of the same same [sic] nature with that which has afflicted our dear Children: and for me perhaps has not been worse than their affliction for them.

If I don’t get well in N York I shall perhaps make a trip up to Albany and thence to Saratoga for the benefit of the mineral waters. Were I to attempt to set off for Ohio how I never could reach there, I fear, alive.

I will not close this letter till after the penny post has past. May be you will have thought how anxious I am to hear from home & have sent me a letter which I can acknowledge.

11. O’clock

[?] the 27 is just re’d. Thank you [dear] [wife]: you do all things [well]. Yours of [?] I have re’d. all the letters you mention. The trunk containing Fanny’s box I trust you & she has r’d ere this. I sent it to the care of Mr. Seth Adams Zanesville. What you say of little Philander opens all the floodgates of tenderness: Embrace him & all the children for me.

Do I understand you that the Presbyterians came forward to our communion in return for the like compliment paid them by our congregation on Xmas day? Is it so? I like the piety of the Presbyterians, I like Mr. Washburn but I could would not receive the communion at their hands while I believed and acted as a churchman. In other words I think we had all best become Presbyterians when we can find it in our consciences to do this. Your faithful Hus

P. Chase

Letter to Sophia Chase



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