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Lord Kenyon updates Chase on matters in England. He reports that the fund is not very strong but that he hopes it will increase soon, and also discusses Chase's English friends. He assures Chase of the continued support of himself and his family.
Mr. Hogg, Mr. King, Timothy Wiggin, G.W. Marriott, Platt Hall, Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop of Bath, Bishop of Wells, Bishop Law, Margaret Kenyon
Recommended Citation
Lord Kenyon, "Letter to Philander Chase" (1826). Philander Chase Letters. 632.
Hoy Lake
July 7, 1826
My dearest Bishop
I thank you from my heart for your most affectionate & welcome letter beginning April 25 Sunday May 2 which I re’d yesterday; & I fervently pray God to be pleased to effectuate what shall most induce to the prosperous & permanent establishment of your pious work. I rejoice truly in seeing your progress & that Mr [Hogg] seems so favorable to your design, by the accommodation he so [visually] extends to you. Your Convention & your State Legislature I cannot but confidently trust will grant you every support you can desire, & I trust we shall hear before long of your beginning the building of your College by naming which as you have I shall ever feel the highest possible honour has been conferred on the name of which I am the unworthy representative; worthy only in this that no one can more fully appreciate than I do the principles with which it stands connected both in England & in Ohio. Believe me too that your kind partiality in so naming it could not have been shown to an individual or a family by whom it would be more fondly valued & cherished. Your invaluable health I trust in God’s mercy will be continued to you & to your Church, & it was a matter of high delight to me to hear the other day in London that Mr King whose attachment had been elsewhere given than to your [?] to our excellent friend Wiggin that you were the Bishop to whom the friends of the P Epis’l Church in America sh’d look up as its most valuable lead in that Country. Our Funds unfortunately rather fall than rise in this Country, wh I regret more than for any other cause because it affects your interest. Still time itself necessarily increases them so long as accumulation by [?] continues. Our good friend Wiggin will do all that is practicable I am sure to benefit an object which he has as fully at heart as ever tho’ his (to this sound cause I must say) unfortunate, engagement in his [?] a banking concern unhappily has preventing his affording a [?] which he otherwise would gladly have done. We dined with him & his good family & not the good Marriotts abt the middle of last Month & had a very pleasant day. Ohio was the chief topick [sic], & with all hearts equally warm in it there could not but be harmony & affection. He has the most perfect confidence in your judgment as to what should be done, & seems always entirely willing to acquiesce in whatever on reflection you adopt. He is certainly a very judicious man, & they all remember with delight & gratitude their obligations to you & that part in which I had the high gratification & blessing of being connected with them in the most interesting religious ties thro’ your kindness, at Platt Hall. The dear Marriotts are all very well, as are our good friends the Bishops of Salisbury & Bath & Wells. We visited both Salisbury & Wells on our round from London to Gredington, but the good Bp of Salisbury had not returned from London being detained by Mr B[?] being unwell. Bp Law was much gratified at seeing us at Wells, & has a delightful Cathedral Palace & Country Place. We staid 2 nights, heard him preach in the Cathedral on Sunday & I was much gratified in seeing a much valued friend so comfortably situated, & sincerely pray that he may be long continued to his family & his Diocese. Of my precious orphans you will be glad to hear a good account. They all continue, & God forbid they should not, do feel the same reverence & attachment to you & your cause wh. it is one of my highest comforts that they should feel; & I am very sure it is one of the greatest blessings wh. cd have befallen them or me to be so interested in your truly Apostlelic cause, & to have the interest we have in your kind affection & your prayers. This is one of my sad anniversaries, the Birthday of my Angel Wife, tho’ it is mixed with the highest melancholy delight in the recollection of her sweet affection her amiableness and above all the [?] [hope] & trust thro’ the merits of our Blessed Saviour of being restored in this good time to her precious society in Heaven. How she would have prized you, & have felt intended for your sacred cause or thoughts on which I often indulge with melancholy joy. Your feathers to [her] sweet representative my precious Marg’t have been fitted up most nicely for use, a rather [?] [personal] gratification at Gredington, & very nice they look, & your [cluster] [son] she delights in seeing in health & vigour. She & they are most anxious for your success & preservation, & join with me in hearty prayers for both. Mrs Chase I trust & your fear Philander & all most dear to you keep well. You [?] me to continue to love you, I cannot help doing so & [needing] you & thinking my affect. intercourse with you among my firmest blessings.
[Side of page 5]: Believe me your ever obliged & affect. friend, Kenyon
[Top of page 1]: Your little friend of NY has offended all his friends & is now nothing thought of I think. I hear Norris has [answered] his observations point by point.