
Lord Kenyon



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Lord Kenyon thanks Chase for his updates and tells him on the continued support for his plans in England. He also updates Chase on the health of their friends and thanks him for sending plants from Ohio.




Henry Clay, Knox County, Lord Gambier, Mr. Wiggin, Bishop of Durham, Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop of Worcester, Bishop of Oxford, Mr. Burgess, Margaret Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, Gredington, Dr. Bell, Worthington, Indian students, Mr. Hoare, Mr. & Mrs. Marriott, Cheltenham, Miss Macfarlane, Mr. Bowdler, Lady Rosse


[Putman] Lye

April 16 1826

My dearest Bishop

I rejoice heartily at hearing of your reception at Washington, & at the hearty attachment to yourself & sacred cause [?] by Henry Clay in his pecuniary aid [parted] to you & still more in his entrusting his son to your care. Most fervently thankful do I feel for God’s gracious blessing manifested towards you in these so many other ways. I trust you have now recovered entirely from your accident which but for the same gracious superintendency [?] would indeed have been fatal. The [?] of our resolutions as to your making the purchase of the lands in Knox County I hope will be quite satisfactory to you. If you can obtain the gift of 1000 Acres as at first offered, & only buy 3000 in addition that appeared to Lord Gambier & Mr Wiggin the most eligible plan; but 2000£ will be at your disposal, whether you require it for the 3000 Acres on the above plan, in as a first payment tow’ds. the [8000] Acres as in another plan preferred by Mr Hogg, the remainder to be payable by 4 equal annual instalments with [?] [?]. You will therefore I trust my dearest Bishop feel at ease on the assurance that Old England will afford you the [necessary] aid for obtaining [?]ly so eligible a Sch for your Seminary. As to intermediate assistance if it shall be repaid to the [intent] to which the [?] on the fund raised in England would have afforded, you may I am convinced feel assured that the same goodness of God which has prompted your English friends to step forwards will also graciously provide whatever else is necessary towards sustaining & perfecting a work which may truly be said to be his own. One more completely so, & in which the [revered] instruments are, without the thought of worldly profit, devoting themselves to His sacred work, cannot well be imagined. That it may please HIm long to spare you to superintend it & to be blessed in this world by [ruling] the fruits of all your labours of love rewarded by its showing how eminently [conducive] it shall prove itself to the spiritual good of Ohio I fervently pray & in so doing am not disinterested, as your prosperity & preservation are very dear to us all. Dr [Phillpaths] one of the good Bishop of Durham’s most intimate friends dined with me yesterday & said that he has left personal property to the amount of betwn. 150,000 and 160,000£; but it is not money saved from the [profts] of his Fee, but from private property either inherited, or obtained by one of his matches. His [fee] latterly made 24,000£ a year, & I cannot but rejoice that his benevolent & munificent disposition has induced him not to allow any portion of his Episcopal funds to add to his private fortune. I hear there will be considerable sums allotted to deserving [?] & charities, & believe there has [seldom] been an instance of anyone who has more devotedly & [?] applied his great means to [preach] worthy objects. His successful [leave] no doubt will do the like, & we are all much pleased at the appointment, as it is known also to be highly agreeable to the King. The good Bishop of Salisbury never aspired to so high a status, & the Bishops of Worcester (Ld Liverpool’s Relation) & of Oxford (Ledge) an old friend of the King reading avoided any pretensions of [?] to it. They are both infirm. The good Bp of Salisbury is quite well & is now in London; he & Mr Burgess are much pleased with Salisbury, & I hope he may be long spared to the Church to be a blessing to that Diocese as he has so [signally] been to St Davids, till his good works shall follow him & increase the reward which thro’ His blessed Masters merits he shall receive. We are here on the eve of a general [?], & I trust in God’s mercy we have every reason to hope that the [party] [?] to the pretensions of the Roman Catholics will be considerably strengthened. It is my anxious hope they may be so: in all other respects tho’ we have been considerably distressed chiefly by our speculation & [laterally] from want of confidence wh. in large concerns is so essential towards inducing prosperity, we have under God’s [?] Providence, nothing of harm I trust to apprehend. Considering as I always do this great Nation as the bulwark of the Protestant Episcopal Faith in Truths as well as its Platform being engrafted into the plans of our Government I cannot but humbly trust that it will ever please God in His mercy to extend to it His special protection, not for our merits, for, as Moses said of the Israelites, we are a sinful people O Lord! but as the Ark to contain His truths & His Church to this & future generations. I am sure you will be glad to hear a good account of all my precious orphans. Dearest Marg’t Lloyd & all love & revere you as they ever did, & I am sure will never decrease in such attachment tow’ds you & your cause. We have lately heard a favourable report of one of your [plants] at Gredington, but they did not arrive there till far on in Feb’ry. I hope however that now one has prospered the others will likewise & our gardener knows so well how they are valued that if pains can save them they will be sure to succeed. All our friends not forgetting good Dr Gaskin & Dr Bell much admired the Ohio house; & Dr B has just by dear Marg’ts favour been reading your account of your interview with, & from [bringing] to Worthington, your Indians, & he was highly delighted. He had happened to have read this morn’g on a visit the account of the Comm. Prayer Book, given to them by our [?] for [Prot] the Gospel, which you found among them, & came to tell it as [as] news. As that circumstance had raised his admiration of your conduct he was thought deserving a sight of what was shown to him. Good Dr Gaskin is pretty well, but has nearly lost one eye; the other has been [?], but is likely to be saved. I hope to get his signature to the enclosed tomorrow, & when we have got good Ld G’s Mr Hoare’s it shall [?] you in good form. All our kind love to you, & heartily praying for every blessing to Mrs Chase, yourself & all most dear to you, not forgetting dear Philander & your holy cause Believe me your most affectionate friend,


[Top of first page]: The dear Marriotts are well & at Cheltenham

Miss Macfarlane is in London & well, & good Mr Bowdler, to whom she is going forth with, pretty well, as is good Lady Rosse.

Letter to Philander Chase



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