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Chase tells Morse of his progress in Washington.
Alexandria Theological Seminary, Mr. Lee, Judge Cranch, Steubenville, Bp. Moore
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Intrepid Morse" (1826). Philander Chase Letters. 588.
![Letter to Intrepid Morse](
Washington City, Feb. 16. 1826
Dear Nephew,
Your excellent letter of the 8th instant I have just had the pleasure of reading. I thank you most sincerely for thinking of me: & much more for praying for me. If the cause in which we are concerned be that of our Heavenly Father it will succeed tho’ perhaps not according to our frail wishes. His will be done!
The Petition which I had I sent on from Ohio for the remission of duties on our gifts from England had been at my arrival in the City referred to the Com. on Commerce and the Chairman of that Committee had announced that they should report unfavorably. They agreed however to meet me on [on] the subject and some hopes are entertained that we shall obtain what we desire. The duties are very heavy on the types still in the Custom House unpaid in NY. — If we do not get them taken off I know not whence will come the money to discharge them.
I have been to the Alexandria Theological Seminary and like things well. They have 16 most promising young men some of whom I do hope will go to Ohio. Mr. Lee who said he saw you since I saw you in Steubenville was present with us yesterday at Dinner with Judge Cranch’s in Alex’a. He is about to obey the request of Bp. Moore to settle in the southern parts of Virginia.
I went to the Tomb of Washington and, while the funeral service was performing, saw the Coffin of that Great man containing his earthy remains. It was nothing different from that of the meanest peasant. All the glory of man [?] in “hic jacet.” But thanks be to God who giveth us the victory over this our Common Enemy thro’ Jesus Christ our Lord.
I can not tell when I shall return back Ohio: but will write you again soon.
Continue your availing prayers for your poor uncle,
Philander Chase
Uncle Dudley sends his best love