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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
Chase thanks his daughter for her letter and an enclosed gift from Miss Rebeccah Hammond. Chase also discusses his recent fall as well as the progress at the school and the reception of changes to the Constitution in England.
Miss Rebeccah Hammond, Mr. Russel, Berkshire, Mr. Barr, Dudley Chase, George Chase, Mr. Morse, Indians, Indian students, Lord Kenyon, Mr. Sparrow, Bishop Hobart
Recommended Citation
Chase, Philander, "Letter to Rebecca Chase Morse" (1826). Philander Chase Letters. 575.
Worthington Jan 17
My Dear Daughter Rebecca
Never was any thing more welcome than your short and kind note accompanying the excellent & much esteemed present from Miss Rebeccah Hammond. I thank you and that dear Lady most sincerely. The letters & papers to the Boys were delivered to them and were most welcome. They are both [will] & doing well. Frances makes himself almost the Idol of his Teachers. Indeed he is one of the most amiable sweet tempered boys I know.
We are all full of care and often know not how to get along. We have from 37 to 40 in family. This would be intolerable were not my dear Wife & Mr. [Russel] two the most patient & laborious beings on the whole earth. I suppose you heard of my fall: not moral but literally from my horse. I was riding [last] Sunday was 6 weeks ago, after officiating at Berkshire from that place to Worthington when my horse stumbled & coming himself to the ground with great celerity threw me with dreadful violence on the frozen ground. Thank God that when this happened I was within call of human beings. Had it come to pass an half hour sooner I should have perished in the woods, the night being extremely cold. I was carried into Mr. Barr’s and in two or three days removed in a [?] to my humble dwelling. By God’s gracious goodness I am now able to ride again & have been to Columbus where I officiated last Sunday.
I often hear from my Dear Brother Senator in Congress. His letters are uncommonly tender as well as frequent bearing evident marks of a mind ripening for a better world. He gives me the very agreeable intelligence of the continued good conduct of my dear Son George. God grant that our hopes be not a second time blasted. Let him have our prayers without [ceasing] that God would do for him what he never can do for himself.
Little Dudley begins to exercise courage in his learning. At first he seemed discouraged but lately finding himself possessed of a superior memory he keeps up with his class.
I shall if the Lord will go to Granville and Newark next Saturday Sunday & Monday. On the last of these days I shall assist in organizing a Parish which if reports be correct will be very large embracing both villages. Tell Mr. Morse of this with my best love. Why don’t he send on my books? Has he rec’d his yet? We have 20 Scholars & 5 Indians — could take many more if we had room. All things go on very well except we Want Cash. When then, can I pay you Dear Daughter? As soon as I can. & the best can’t do better.
Most affectionately,
Your Father,
P. Chase
P.S. Tell Mr. M. that my Dear Broth. of N. York has endeavored in passing thro Old England to [America] to get the control of the Ohio Fund lodged in the Gen’l The’l Sem’y. He visited Lord Kenyon without invitation and lodged in his hands a proposition to the effect which his Lordship sent me. Mr. Sparrow says this [outstrips] all that he has done before. The last article in our Constitution gave offense in Eng’d. Bp. H. found it out & made the best of this advantage.