
Dudley Chase



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Dudley updates his nephew on a contract between two men he knows and thanks him for his last letter.




G.W. Barker, Aunt Chase


Washington Jan’y 16.

Dear George

Your favor of a running date from 1st to 3rd [last] is rec’d and has lain by ‘till now, this late day, and still late period of the day – it being almost Midnight – But you will pardon this seeming negligence, as you have been inform’d in some of my letters of the busy times I have here – I have not been able to comply in one case [?] – with the rules of etiquette, as yet. The contract between [May.] & G.W. Barker was that the Mayors works & stacks & [?] should with himself, be set against Barker. – When they quit the May’r was to have his property [restored] the stack made good the debts made good, and the real prop. made good except natural decays – the balance remaining to be divided equally – if betterments to the [real] were made the May’r to account for them. This in short was the bargain. Your letter was just such a one as I like to receive – exactly right, do continue to write. I have lately written a minute letter to Aunt Chase, to which I beg leave to refer you. Give my best love & respects to your wife & kiss little [Pup] for me.

Yours most affectionately,

Dudley Chase

Letter to George Chase



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