
Dudley Chase



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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.


Dudley admonishes his nephew for asking him to write more often, citing his very busy schedule in Washington. He responds to George's discussion of the affairs in Randolph, and tells him of a ceremony he attended over the holidays.




Mr. Thomas, Boston, Robert Vaughan, British Minister


City of Washington, Jan. 2nd. 1826

Dear George,

Your very acceptable [favor] of 25 & 26 [last] is rec’d and perused with a hearty relish. To answer it in a few words & short time is alone in my [?] at present. Why George, how unreasonable are your complaints ag’st me! Only consider how many calls to receive & make! How many letters to receive read & write, to & from people in all parts of Vermont, and in many other places in the United States! Add to this the thousands of errands and matters or more urgency to attend to for the people, [?] & all, who want business done here at the Offices & departments. If you will believe me, I am most miserably behindhand at this moment in matters of mere form & etiquette, a whole month will not suffice to bring up the rear—and I need not tell you that such matters must be attended to, or all [all] is lost—gone over the [dam]. But complaints to the winds – Now to the answer – I redouble upon your heads all the good wishes of yourself & my dear father at home – pleased or displeased you must take such words, long or short as I have leisure to write. I know, or at least believe, you all love me and are [interested] to understand what I am about. But the more business you see heap’d on me the more it is for me. I have not time to write [inscriptions] – seek them in your maps & geographical & geological books. I am glad you spent Christmas at my house – you no doubt [outed] directly in not going to Bethel’s, I know all about the matrimonial blow-out, as you will have learnt from my letter to [?], before you will have rec’d this. I am rejoiced that you are supplied with a fund of [amusement] from N. York.

As to the [encroachments] mentioned by Mr. Thomas must trust to your discretion & generalship to repeal invasion & make reprisals according to the usage of [war]. Pity your state of annoyance from [?] grease & [hags] goats, your labour at housework from compassion and your fears of fears of rudely mixing, in my mind, [decreases] with state affairs. Detest the crime, but am sorry for the sinner in the case of poor Albert Martin—can’t tell what you & that swift-footed Uncle Isaac can be about. Shall write you as often as I can & send you all the papers I can spare, tho’ it seems you have not rec’d all those I have sent.

I attended the “ceremony of Wishing the [Pendant] and Lady a happy new year,” this day—such a crowd! The Kean [?] in Boston was a [fool] to it. Tho’ there was nothing but music & dancing joy & congratulation—I dare not even hazard a conjecture of numbers that crowded together, Old & young male & female; such a [crash] & clatter!! [?] everybody there could not help participate in the festivity. The holidays are now over, I hope and business must be attended to. – I have heard from Mr. Vaughan the British Minister, now before me inviting to dinner next Thursday – shan’t accept, I am thinking. Last night I was up very late writing & bringing up [arranges]—it is now almost dawn—so goodnight my Dear George, good night—shall write again soon. Write to me often.

Yours affectionately,

Dudley Chase

Letter to George Chase



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