"Letter to Dudley Chase" by George Chase


George Chase



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George discusses the low levels of support for Jackson in Randolph and expresses his frustrations with his work as a lawyer.




Randolph, VT


George Chase, Dudley Chase, Jackson, Henry Clay


West Randolph Feb. 2. 1828.

Hon Dudley Chase

My Dear Uncle

I am very thankful for the various communications you have made to me, and I have endeavoured to distribute the political ones where I thought they would do the most good. In answer to your enquiries relative to the strength of Jackson in this vicinity—I think that at present he is greatly in the minority. Yesterday I was at Esq Bass’ in Braintree, to attend to a Court which continued late at night. After the verdict was rendered, and which I was making up my bill of costs a circle of men formed in the room and while passing a bottle of rum each one said “success to Jackson.” At first I thought it was mere nonsense but on enquiry of Esq Bass he said that they were Jacksonites. The Waits, (all of them) Rufus Hutchinson and his father and a considerable share of the eastern part of the Town are of the same opinion. I noticed one thing however, that every one of the Jury referred to above, retired without joining in the circle, and also the most respectable part of the people there assembled.

In Randolph the Jacksonites tho’ greatly in the minority may number of open and concealed supporters, perhaps 50 individuals. To me it has always seemed strange that even 50 could be found—but there is no accounting for tastes. One man will be a Jackson man—because his neighbour whom he hates is an Adams man.

In reply to the long letter you wrote to me I am sure that no excuse is necessary for giving me that advice which is calculated to do good. If I ever felt offended it was because I deserved the reprimand—or felt guilty of what you cautioned me against. I will endeavour to be cautious and prudent.

I hardly know what to say about Mr. Grover, I have been straining every nerve to pay the money due for building and finishing my house—I should say his house. In particular, I informed him a long time since that I must have some cash by the first of February when I knew I should be called upon for collected money—but he paid no attention to it and I was under the necessity of borrowing $13 of Asa [Story] Jr. I saw Mr. Grover to day and all he said about it was—that “he could not get the money!” I have already paid out about $200.00 for the house business, leaving my pay for my wood hay to some future period. I would not however have you think that there is the least difficulty between us, on the contrary he appears far more friendly than ever—he seems only to think that Lawyers have a kind of Aladdin’s Lamp by which they can raise money at will. However—I am sure he will not see me suffer under existing circumstances. I am sorry my dear Uncle that I said a word about Mr. Grover, but as I can not write my letter anew before the mail goes out I shall leave it as it is, being a kind of literal transcript of my thoughts.

You do not mention receiving my letter of the 8th or 9th of January—perhaps it may have been mislaid. Before we has a Post Office here letters and papers sent down by private conveyance by Mr. Blodgett would be missing for days and weeks after which time the person who took them out might think to hand them to us.

Our Bethel friends I believe are all well I have not been there lately and can not therefore give you any of the little incidents that might amuse. Your old friend Caleb Nichols of Braintree is to be buried to day in Masonic form. He died very suddenly bursting a blood vessel. I can not attend, having been up last night till ½ past 1. My wife and the pretty [babe] returned from your house, to day having been there on a visit of a few days. Aunt Chase was kind enough to send down for them. All are well at your house. Mrs. Blodgett has improved greatly in health and spirits.

What is the news from my honoured father—I heard a flying report that he has great difficulty in his College and that some of his boys were refractory—I sincerely hope that he will meet with the merited reward which his unparallelled exertions entitle him to receive—not only in the affection and gratitude of those young persons whom he is endeavouring to benefit, but in all other things conducive to his present and future happiness. When you write again, please to give him my most respectful and affectionate good wishes.

If I ever felt resentment towards him it was when my heart was broken down by affliction, of the extent of which he could form no estimate, because I felt most keenly the justice of most of the observations he made relative to myself.

I am almost ashamed, my dear Uncle, to send you this miserable scrawl—but Lawyers I believe are priviledged [sic] to scrawl. My business is I think increasing slowly—although not so great as when first started when every body was calling to use the new Lawyer and ask for advice.

I mean always to be here in my Office unless when called away on business. You would smile to see the little pitiful fees I receive when drawing up writings in cases where you would tax 50 cts—may be it as after saying “what you please Sin” 12 ½ cts or 17 cts—after writing over half a sheet—occasionally a man says here is half a dollar—which I am bound to acknowledge with suitable thanks. You may think I do wrong in this, by not taxing more, but there is no other way of running Nutting and Weston. I have not said aught against them—letting my practise prove for itself. On their part however I am free to say that they feel disposed, to say the least, to cut my corners in every quarter. Let them—I hope that strict attention to business will ensure a livelihood. But after all—there are moments when looking at the trunk that contains many unfinished writings for the Public Press (which I have not examined since I came here) that my feelings say that I am not in the place or in the business which was suited to my character. The best pill to take on the happening of such a mood, is to say and “Pray Mr. G.C. who is to support yourself your wife and children while engaged in any Luixatic [sic] expeditions?”

Pray write to me and tell me more about Congressional business—I know very little from the Marylander about prospects (as they term it) The M. is too violent and wants bye the bye a little more tact and ability to conduct it. The Virginia Address is good—excellent—but a great deal too long.

Mr. Clay comes on triumphantly—but how is it that he should think is necessary to publish affidavits relative to his character? Would not a dignified silence in the end have been better-

Letter to Dudley Chase



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