
Lord Kenyon



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Kenyon discusses changes to the Seminary's constitution agreed upon by the Trustees in England and updates Chase on the welfare of his English friends.




Margaret Kenyon, Dr. Gaskin, Cheltenham, Ohio garden, G.W. Marriott, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Wiggin, Mr. Ward, Mary Ohio, Convention, Bishop of Salisbury, Adam Hodgson



Oct. 1


My dearest Bishop,

My precious Margaret & I are gladly obliged by your most kind letters [today] both of Aug’st [4], which we received [by] [Tuesday] morning. It is indeed one of the greatest delights we can have to hear of your welfare & of the degree of prosperity with which it has pleased God to bless your righteous cause. That He will thoroughly bless it I cannot doubt, for it is indeed, as far as it is fit to say so, His own cause. We feel anxious however for a life & health so invaluable as yours are & favorable pray God to preserve both. Good Dr. Gaskin is with me; but as he has not been quite well I am to take him to Cheltenham on Monday where we shall find good G Marriott & his super excellent wife who has just presented him with a 9th child on 6th Jan, & both are doing very well. Good Dr. G. has been with me this morning to take his leave of our Ohio Loghouse before our jaunt. It is you will believe an object of great interest to us all; especially I sh’d say to my sweet Margaret. She has all your letters & all interesting papers relating to you & your cause in two of her books & her stock will increase with daily accumulation of matter. That it has pleased God thoro’ly to return her to health will I am sure make you rejoice together with me in gratitude for His to me undeserved goodness. I now enclose with pleasure the [Induction] of your Trustees which I have rec’d this evening only. We all entirely concur in opinion, as our excellent friends & coadjutors G. Marriott Pratt & Wiggin do with us, that you alone & your coadjutors sh’d judge whether it would be expedient for you to apply again to your Convention, & still more if it be expedient to apply to your [Parochial] Legislature. The [expression] of Article 10, taken alone is certainly not satisfactory, but G Marriott & I & others feel persuaded that its full construction is in conjunction with the other Articles & especially the 7th & that therefore no harm could practically result from it. I have forwarded all your letters, to Mary Ohio, the Marriotts, Wards, Rogers, to [Ireland] [?], and it rejoices me peculiarly to have heard as I felt anxious ab’t your health after your dysenteric attack. From dear good Wiggin I hear often, & bless God for the truly religious state of mind in which he always seems. He is fixed now in London, & I hope I shall there profit more by his fruits than I cd. have done at Manchester. My revered & beloved Aunt I thank God keeps well we hope to visit her in [best] health. [?] greatly in the thoughts of you with all our affection & kindest wishes to your family, believe me [Continued on top of first page:] dearest Bishop your ever most affectionate & grateful friend,


I rec’d an excellent account of our beloved Bishop of Salisbury today. Our friend A. Hodgson is married very happily I hope to a pious wife who he says will not be likely to lessen his zeal for Ohio.

Letter to Philander Chase



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