
Lord Kenyon



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Kenyon updates Chase on the lives of his English friends and assures Chase of his family's continued affection for him.




George Marriott, Mr. Pratt, Duff Macfarlane, Miss Ward, Ely, Cambridge, Lady Rosse, Mr. Wiggin, Vicar of Kensington, Dean of Canterbury, Bishop Burgess, Thomas Acland, Hoy Lake, Margaret Kenyon


Portman [Lye]

May 30th


My very dear Bishop,

Nothing could have delighted us all more than your most welcome letter of March 24th which arrived on the 25th last. To good G. Marriott & Mr. Pratt it gives also high gratification. Indeed it is delightful to hear that it has pleased God mercifully to continue & extend His blessings in so [manifold] a degree to you & to your Ohio. I have been permitted in however small a degree to contribute in [so] heavenly a work will ever be one of the highest sources of rejoicing I can know. Your [promised] success as to your spot for establishing your Seminary is almost beyond hopes; still it is what I never could [relinquish] the hope of, as the value of it is immense. Good Miss Mcfarlane & Mr. R[?] of T[?] shall know without delay your wishes respecting colonization. I do not however fear if you can [?] population there that it will all be Episcopal as well as [Athens] & to be truly the latter it should be the former too I am [bigot] enough to think. I missed you this year at our Clergy [?] Examination & that of the [?] School. Both went off very well & the former as ever was delightful. Those precious [?] of the venerable Clergy of our Church ought to engage the affections of all who pretend to have any attachment to it. Of all the charities I am connected with, there is no one so dear to me as the Clergy [Atlas] School. On [?] we all have, & dear G. Marriott & his family numbered our spending the last [year’s] ann’y in the Church of the [saint] to Jones. Miss Ward’s (Ohio) relation of our first visit there we have again [read] lately with joy & every feeling of affectionate remembrance. Good Mr. Wiggin will I hope soon send you his sentiments [along] your arrangements & they cannot be those of hearty approbation. Still we continue to receive subscriptions, & I trust when in a few days [?] we get forth our new statement & let the [publish] know the mercies with which you & your holy cause has been visited, I fondly hope the zeal shown last year will be revived & extended. We shall now soon be thinking of seeing an elevation of your Seminary, & we shall all wish we could come & look at it. Oh that we could but [shudder] the distance to Ohio & we should thank our loved Bishop his loved family & his Ohio! & what [would] be if possible be of all most delightful we should see how he is beloved by those who owe him more than is owed by any flock to any living Christian Bishop. Very long may he spared to them & to all his friends we all truly pray! I hope you will like our new statement, we all think Mr. Pratt has helped us very much with his usual judgement & d[?] & his ardent zeal for the good cause is animating & delightful. I am thankful to say good Ld. Gambier & Mr. H[?] as well as good Dr. Gaskin are highly pleased with it. The good Dr. is at Ely, has had 3 Lady friends with him who have enjoyed Ely & Cambridge greatly with him. Good Lady Rosse keeps pretty well, & has lately given her direction [?] your [?], respecting wh. Mr. Marriott has applied to Mr. Wiggin for advice as to size & place for getting it, & I hope you will soon be supplied [according] to the dear good Lady’s wishes. We are all almost [frightened], & [should] be [?] so, at your extreme fatigues & exertions did we not [confide] that [she] who has graciously provided your pro[?] with you as their greatest blessing on earth will preserve you to them. It is fitting that our English Bishops as well as our American one Dr. [?] should know what your fatigues & exertions are. Bishop [Alredge] is to return home again next month for a wife ship [Runnel] sister of the [least] worthy Vicar of Kensington, a man whose [help] the Church of England has great cause to lament, as we soon shall have to [grieve] for that of the truly [?] Dean of Canterbury Dr. [Andrews]. We have to lament too the excellent Bishop of Salisbury, but his [fee] is filled by our newest friend Bishop Burgess of St. Davids, to the high satisfaction of all excepted his Diocese who duly estimate his value to them & their [loss]. I met him today at a very useful society (for the suppression of vice) and am thankful to say I never saw him in better health. Sir Tho. Acland too I saw today who is still zealous for Ohio, as his amiable wife is also! We shall leave London on the 20th of June & be again at Hoy Lake please God on the 17th of July wh. we shall not pass without thinking of the [Orbit] & its loved & venerated [?]. There is I verily think no family in Old England which possess so many who rejoice at your dear handwriting as your [Goddaughter] & Portman [Lye] friends, & among our greatest treasures do we measure your letters to ourselves & others wh. we have obtained copies of. I shall take care to [?] a copy of our new statement to put every one of our Bishops when it shall appear & I am now very anxious it should do so, & hope to see it at latest next week. My precious Lloyd is come to me having finished his Ch Ch education to my more than content. I forgot if I ever told you that my beloved & honoured father when near his departure after my [?] endeavours during his last sufferings to comfort him as well as I could, most affectionately & piously blessed me, & prayed that I might be blessed with a son to be a like comfort to me as I had been to him. Such to my [?] Angel & her sweet memory as well as to myself [has] my sweet precious Lloyd indeed been & I doubt not ever will be, as my [revered] Margaret also is equally [for] my beloved Bishop your grateful & affectionate,


Letter to Philander Chase



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