
Philander Chase



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Chase is upset after hearing about Philander Jr.'s long illness. The college in Worthington is about to start up, and the boys await the arrival of Philander Jr., who will be a professor. Sophia Chase proves to be an affectionate mother to young Dudley.




Sophia Chase, George Chase, Philander Chase Jr., Intrepid Morse



My dear George & Philander:

I have just arrived from a long journey in the southwest part of the Diocese, and George’s two letters concerning Philander’s sickness and consequent detention are now before me. To tell you how this dispensation of Divine Providence affects me would be difficult. Common expressions are insignificant when applied to what I feel on this sad occasion of 27 days of fever, occasioned by your extreme imprudence in wearing wet clothes for 4 or 5 hours, and that, among your friends who, no doubt, were anxious to afford you every means of comfort!!! Had you been, like myself often, in the wild wood, obliged to encamp on the cold ground, the rain beating on you from above & no fire to warm your benumbed limbs, the hand of Providence in Philander’s sickness would have been alleviated in the consideration that human imprudence had not been added to its weight. As it is I pray for submission: and the same cause that makes me feel this stroke so deeply makes me forgive you, and that is that I love you. You’ve had a sick house indeed; would that I the relief of my dear son! Long experience has taught me firm lessons in sickness which sometimes are essential. But amidst all this affliction there seems the hand of a merciful Providence. How grateful should we be that this was deferred until my son was once more among his affectionate kindred, that you his brother and his uncle and aunts who love him could have it in your power to make his bed in sickness!

You say he is better—I mean you seem to say so—for your expressions are metaphorical—I wish you had spoken in plain old fashioned language. But I infer that Philander is better. God be praised. Now Geo, now that Phil. for heavens sake & for my sake, do be careful; a relapse would be dreadful. But the distance which lies between us makes advice useless, you will learn as this reaches you have learned to need it. Pray forgive the incoherence of my letter. I feel too much on this subject to be altogether myself.

Our college is about to commence: and the Boys begin to come in. Some are already in my house and 5 more are soon expected. With them I must do the best I can: and wait arrival of the Professor P.W. Chase. In the meantime [won’t] let this anxiety to be with me occasion a formative journey. No: in this be on the [sunside] by delaying his departure till the physicians advise it. The arrival of Phil. if God spare his health will be of more consequence to us (I mean the Church in Ohio) than you can name. All are waiting for him: and for him are the prayers of the whole Diocese offered up. The Rev. Mr. Morse (your old friend Intrepid) is more esteemed than any man of his age in the ministry. Seldom have I ever heard a more interesting young man. They are trying to get him at Pittsburgh but he will not leave the Diocese of his affectionate uncle. You send your compliments to Mrs. Chase. George, were you acquainted with your step-mother you would give endearing appellation. Till which you may call her by what name you please. To Dudley she forever [was] since the most affectionate and judicious of Mothers. All who know, revere her. She sends her best love to you & all our friends. I will attend to Philander [?] [rest of letter is cut off].

Letter to George and Philander Chase Jr.



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