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The Philander Chase letters were written in the 18th and 19th century and therefore may contain language that we understand today as harmful or offensive. You may encounter paternalist descriptions of Native Americans, racial slurs, or sexism. For more information, see our policy page.
George Chase tells Morse about girls he knows, what he and his siblings are studying in school, and who is staying with his family.
Cheshire, Abigail Chase, Middleton, Boston Spectator, Olin
Recommended Citation
Chase, George, "Letter to Intrepid Morse" (1814). Philander Chase Letters. 466.
Hartford July 8th 1814.
Dear friend Intrepid. Your kind affectionate and consolatory epistle came to hand some time since. I began answering it immediately. I was called off from the pleasing employment, and like mankind in everything else neglected it. Since some circumstances have occurred that make it necessary to begin a new letter. The following laughable paragraph, though written with earnestness, began my unfinished epistle. “To what shall I compare the pleasure of receiving in the hour of trouble a kind letter from a far distant friend. Music soon wearies, the appetite is soon satisfied, a bridal kiss soon cloys, but Friendship is forever the same unchanging source of bliss, and extends its sway beyond the narrow confines of this world. It is unhappy that this so great a pleasure should be often wantonly sacrificed to the caprice of a moment & to a gust of anger or to an itching desire of revealing the most sacred trust of a friend. I hope that we dear coz can bear with each others frailties. Mine I know are great and require a forgiving mind to overlook them.” You no doubt would have smiled to have seen me gravely conferring a bridal kiss among those enjoyments not to be ranked with friendship. Unfortunately I have [page ripped here] “bridal kiss.” “The cold in clime are cold in blood, their love can scarce deserve [page ripped here] was like the lava flood, that boils in Aetna’s breast of flame”. Ld. Byron. However [page ripped here] and terrible grumblings this volcanic eruption passed [off] and I hope will [page ripped here] other flaming beauty touches her torch to my senses. Your advice dear coz is desired [page ripped here] time of vexation and trouble. I feel posed now and then, and fluctuating which [page ripped here] half a dozen young nymphs I have in view. Juliette is handsome- very hands [page ripped here] expression. Eliza has a most exquisite turned leg- and “throws her ware, A bosom [page ripped here] [?]ing eye And says why not, I sure have got, One snowy plump and high,” but [page ripped here] Ann is “plain girl endowed with an excellent mind. Upon her words I have [page ripped here] delight; but alas she is poor- I am ditto. Should we connubiate, poverty the [page ripped here] stare us in the face. Grace is well formed- not regular features,- but lovely [page ripped here] too many novels she reads and requires her lover to turn knight errant at once. [page ripped here] Am I going whither do my wanderings lead me. Sounds if I have not flown [page ripped here]as [?] calls it a revere. It is very provoking to have spoilt a whole letter [page ripped here] nonsense. I beg you to skip over that passage, in returning my letter and believe [page ripped here] tell you that young ladies in general are upon the same footing with me. I [page ripped here] I find it. And bow to it with unfeigned reverence. Levity through his [page ripped here] most exquisite beauty- son disgusts and tires me. But as yet I am [?] [page ripped here] give the lie to novels that love requires his votaries to suffer from infancy to [page ripped here] they can obtain the fleeting enjoyment of one honey moon- and have their [page ripped here] this subject and shall for the future be more sparing.
Hartford July 10th Sunday
[page ripped here] The family have all but myself gone to Church. I am left to see that no stray [page ripped here] who are very troublesome break in upon our quiet domain. Benjamin W. Chase [page ripped here] us studying French. Philander goes to monsieur Value with him and I am [page ripped here] there is nothing but “parlez vous Français” from morning till night. Ships [page ripped here] cousin to us is likewise in town, and will go to Mrs. Royses in summer. [page ripped here] Rev. Chase the 2nd of Portland will be here in August. George’s affairs are in a [page ripped here] Potter not content with monopolizing the use and [interest] of George has [page ripped here] principale and it is feared that all will be lost. His bondsmen are dead [page ripped here] and it will be very easy for such a sascal to deposit the property in some [page ripped here] and swear out of jail. Abigail Chase has turned out to be on of the [page ripped here] geniuses alive. She has studied Latin and made astonishing [page ripped here] rusticated for picking a piney out of a garden without leave. The [page ripped here] are determined to persecute the Chases to the utmost. Nancy Chase [page ripped here] long home. She left three children. Nancy was much beloved by [page ripped here] especially Mary Brewer who cannot speak of her without tears. Mr. [page ripped here] for Father to day who is gone to Middleton. Tis strange, tis passing [page ripped here] the Cheshire people should take delight in propagating, such [page ripped here] I mentioned to you for no purpose but the gratification of malignant [page ripped here] conduct has set in array against them many influential people who [page ripped here] have remained neutral. But few scholars resort there and the Institution [paged ripped here] as fairly ruined. Do not however dear coz be down hearted [page ripped here] why mon [?] shall have a college in this place- and Episcopal [page ripped here] dollars have been already subscribed and more are adding [page ripped here] prevails among Church people that does them honour. Mr. [page ripped here] scribed $3000 Mr. Tudor $2000 Mr. Morgan $1500 Mr. Woodbid [page ripped here] these were put down I have not seen the subscription paper. [page ripped here] in a Presbyterian. The ground a beautiful and romantic [page ripped here] western shirts of the town has been given by a Presbyterian. [page ripped here]
Monday July 11th 1814--
Dear coz. I beg of you not to go and [page ripped here] as I have done. But write to me immediately. I have been delayed for the week past in composing a piece to what [page ripped here]. Why mean to [Publish]!! That I have scarcely one moment’s relocation. From the time of rising till 4 PM. I am in school poring over Gratius and Livy [?]. So much company as I am obliged to see. -- That time for myself is dwindled to 2 or 3 hours a day -- You must expect therefore a letter written at different times, on all subjects -- something like [always] old womans petticoat, whose patches of all sorts and colours -- “bespoke variety of wretchedness.” The piece I mentioned above is one that I plume myself considerably upon. I speak with you candidly -- I think it is the best piece I ever wrote. Father [first] mentioned the publishing of it to me before I had ever said a word of it going to the prep. It occupies one whole sheet closely written -- in the form of a [page ripped here] confidant in the [Boston] Spectator, like all that which I write a [page ripped here] of which I [and] you feel ashamed in a year hence I shall look back upon [page ripped here] [?]h and premature. -- (i.e. so reason says, though vanity would forsooth [page ripped here] Sir, Mr. Morse! I am extremely obliged to you for your [?] [page ripped here] Mclishes Travels! -- Sir I assure you they are the most profound [page ripped here] that I have opened in this Western World. -- Before you [page ripped here] to recommend when I had perused with meditative thought [page ripped here] disquisitions and flashy bon-mots till I came to the select men [page ripped here] is exquisite little catalogue of [?] -- was so far beyond the reach [page ripped here] that I gave up the book in despair. -- Dr. Napleton [page ripped here] in the university.” I have never heard [?] shall endeavor [page ripped here] it from your recommendation. -- Lord Byron’s late Poems I pre[?] [page ripped here] have read. What majesty of thought and, beauty in description [page ripped here] are his favourite study and I believe he has suffered from them [page ripped here] cannot describe who have not felt.” But how unfortunate [page ripped here] indifferent about Religion. In this scale he sinks. -- In the Loan of [page ripped here] I have discovered a treasure. You know at first some of [page ripped here] attributed to Rowley. -- What idea is exploded and [?] [page ripped here] inimitable author. Its beauties are great and for your grati[?] [page ripped here] a piece, by no means the best composition. Perhaps after all [page ripped here] [read] it and my labor is but vain. Should that however not [page ripped here] will not regret the insertion.
Songe from the Tragoedie of Aella.
[page ripped here] unto mie roundelaie
[page ripped here] the brynie tear with me
[page ripped here] ne moe at hallie daie
[page ripped here] a reynynge ryver be
Mie love dedde
Gone to hys death-bedde
All under the wyllow tree.
[page ripped here] hys creyme as the [?] nyghte,
[page ripped here] hys rode as the sommer snowe
[page ripped here] hys face as the mornyng lyghte
[page ripped here] he lies in the grave belowe;
Mie love [?]
[page ripped here] wote hys tongue as the throstles note
[page ripped here] in daunce as thoughte can bee
[page ripped here] hys taboure cadgelle [?]
[page ripped here] he lies by the wyllowe tree:
Mie love be
Harke! The ravene flappes his [?]
In the briered dele be lowe;
Harke! The death-owle loude dothe synge
[?] the nyghte-mares as they goe;
Mie love be
See! The hyte moone sheenes on hie
Why terre is mie true loves shroude
Why terre than the morning skie
Why terre than the evening cloude
“Chie love is dedde.” [?]
Here uppone mie true loves grave
Shalle the barren fleur sde layde
Ne one hallie seynite to sace
All the celness of a mayde.
Mie love be.
Wythe mie hondes I’lle dente the brieres
Round his hallie corse to g[i]ve
Or[s] hante fairies lyghte your fygres
Heere my boddie styll shall bee.
Mie love be
Comme wy the acorne -- coppe and thorne
Drayne mie hartys blodde euoaie
Lyfe and all yttis good. I scorene
Daunce by night or feast by daie
Mie love be.
Mater wytches eronnede wythe reyter
Bere me to your leathalle tyde
I die, I comme; mie true love wayte
Thos the damselle spoke and dyed.
Hondes ------ handes
Dente -------- [?]
Gre ----------- grow
Ouphante --- [?]
Nete ---------- night
Leathalle ---- deadly
Reyte -------- water flags
It is a question which has pressed wiser heads than mine to discover what should be cause of sunshine to impose upon the world as he did. His delight seems t have been to see how far he could cheat mankind. You will recollect [?] [tame] composition upon [page ripped here].
The reminder of this letter [hole in paper] be finished till I get the opinion of [?] upon that very delicate subject you desired me. -- Remember Job till then. [page ripped here] by promised to give it to me in writing. -- Wednesday July 13th, 18[?] [page ripped here].
Father has not paid much attention to the Moravias as he wished us [?] no opportunity of reading books that treated upon that subject largely the information gathered from the Encyclopedia and his own observation [page ripped here] communicates the following -- “According to the mort authentic accounts [page ripped here] the Moravians, they appear to have preserved the Episcopal succession. [page ripped here]But they have so limited the power of the Bishop even in thing [page ripped here] that he seems but as a mere cipher or [mort] an instrument [page ripped here] the direction and disposal of the elders.” -- I beg of you to want as [page ripped here] I hope something will be done -- I must go no farther I have [page ripped here] in my head, but can not communicate it at present. [page ripped here]in this country for who [?] the Moravians I heard had established [page ripped here] themselves here are now at war with us and [page ripped here] [?] done. -- I beg of you therefore to turn your face toward, the [page ripped here] that stands before you in this past of the country. Labourers [page ripped here] orthodox faithful labourers are only wanting. -- Alpheus Geer stayed with us last night. He is in Deacons order and has officiated in Granby for some weeks past. -- In every side [?] against the Church are wearing off and people look towards its pale as the ark of safety. -- We have two young ladies, at present in the house boarding with us. But so much confines me to my studies that I rarely ever see them but at meals. Benjamin however takes all opportunities of seeing talking and playing with them. This [conversation] generally turns upon very disagreeable subjects. -- The only way I escape is to flee to my room. Olin and Philander I am afraid listen to him with too much complaisance. -- The author of that little piece of poetry you were so good as to send me upon War is our mutually admired poet W. Scott.
The signature I have adopted in my communications to the Boston Spectator is “L’ Espion,” a French word signifying “spy.” I wish [?] the dialogue spoken at Cheshire by Burkley Sturges and yourself is rather unportable in the stage and I suppose too much trouble for you to copy. -- Grandmother wrote to me a short time since and [gives] the agreeable news apart of Betseys almost entire recovery. This is extraordinary -- but not [more] so than the wonderful recovery of my dear mother. -- Uncle Jed has not lost his first child and feels very disconsolate -- you must expect a letter from Aunt Denison as she desires to know where you lived to direct you. -- Mr. Whitlock has grown a little better but I am afraid never will recover. Olin desires to be remembered to you affectionately. He rooms with me, and likewise all the family sends their love. Father is particularly the [fervent]. That Heaven may preserve and bless you.
Prayer of your affectionate friend
George Chase
Pray excuse hand writing. I have been stealing from school [hours] to devote to you. The style is horrid, but as a friend. You, I hope overlooked that. Farewell, yours sincerely,