
G.W. Marriott



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Marriott tells Chase his brother left many sermons behind that he intends many to read. He updates Chase on the progress of others' work in seminaries and informs Chase that Mrs. Newbury has sent him a book from Mr. Raikes of Gloucester.






Mrs. Newbury, Mr. Wheaton, Ohio Seminary, Lord Kenyon, British Critic, Theological Quarterly Review


Queen-Sq: 22 April 1825

My dear and venerated Friend

You will wonder to see my hand again so soon, but I feel that your last has not been sufficiently noticed by me, and I do not like to wait so long as the arrival of an Answer from you before I attempt to make up my deficiencies.

I think I omitted, among other things, to state that my dear and ever to be lamented Brother has left so many Sermons behind him, with a view to the publication of a second Volume, that I trust his Executors will have no doubt as to sending it forth. It will be read with intense interest by hundreds of persons. Very many feel a void made in their friendships by his death which may scarcely ever be filled up. One of his Parishioners seems to have literally died in consequence of taking his death so much to heart. We are called upon most impressively as a family to profit by the awful dispensation, to value this life only as a preparative and probationary state, and in that light to value it beyond everything else. Blessed be God, our consolations are great, as well as our sorrow!

Since my first Answer went to Liverpool, a Book has arrived for you from Mrs Newbury, Sister of the very excellent Mr Raikes of [Gloucester], to whom Sunday and other schools for the religious education of the Poor are said to owe their origin in this Country. It is the posthumous publications of two Essays which he wrote on the Alliance between Christianity and Commerce, and on Christian humility as applicable to the practice of the World. It shall go to you by the first opportunity. Perhaps you will think it right to acknowledge this notification of it in your next to me. I will take care to forward your commands (thro’ Mr [Stow] who delivered the Book to me) to Mrs Newbury.

I have received a letter from Mr Wheaton, dated Hartford 16th February 1825. He speaks of his College Buildings as in prosperous train, and of Students enough to form a small Class, with a prospect of a large augmentation of numbers in Autumn. Two Professors and a Tutor are engaged. Speaking of the Ohio Seminary, he says, after commending its’ object and character generally “had it been made a bonafide Branch School of the General Seminary, I think it would have given more satisfaction to our Episcopalians at large; but as it is, I do not think there is much disposition to complain, and none to make it a ground of dissension and strife.” Now according to your account his own Diocesan is not one of those who would have taken more satisfaction in the Seminary as a Branch School, and so I shall tell him in my answer on your authority. He says “it is a long time since any news has been received from Bishop Hobart, who was in Venice when last heard of.”

A Mrs Hare, now living in Berkshire, who had a Brother in Philadelphia, has lately sent a donation of £5 to the fund. You will hear more particulars from Lord Kenyon. I am very glad to find that several subscriptions have come in this year, but I really hardly know how to regret that the collections here left something to be done by America herself. I do not quite understand whether your Estate will be given back by the Trustee, if one of the Sites proffered by the Towns anxious to become the birth-place of the Seminary is accepted, as I presume the best will be. I think you ought to have no scruple in accepting it back, as you have those whom you are bound to provide for; if it be given up spontaneously, and as not being wanted for the Seminary.

Since I received your last I have seen the Bishop of St. [?] [?]. I read to him the passage in which you allude to the letter you had written to his Lordship. He was most anxious that you should be assured how much pleasure he received from your letter, and how fully he had intended from the first, and still intends, to answer it. His infirmity of sight makes every effort of this kind a serious labor, but I hope he has a [Niece] growing up, who will be a very useful Amanuensis to him, in return for the protection of a Parent, which he has bestowed on her. His Chapel at the Palace Aberguilly Carmarthenshire has a pair of the Wickliffe Candlesticks, as I trust yours will have. They are ready to go whenever a good opportunity offers. Lord Kenyon has the third pair. I believe they occupy a place in the house at Gredington.

Dr Johnson’s life by Chandler has been republished in England by Rivington, and has been reviewed very favorably in the British Critic, and Theological Quarterly Review. Mr Wheaton has recommended the sending some Copies to New York, as, he says, the Work is quite out of print in America. It will ever be a very interesting one here, as containing so much of the early history of the American episcopal Church, and of the aid it received from England. I hope to see considerable notice taken of you and your measure in the Quarterly Review, by the hand of Mr Halcomb the Barrister, whom you will probably recollect, and under the Article of Dehon’s Sermons. He has had all his information from me.

We are, I bless God, all well, and we all join in love to you and all yours. It seems unfair that you should pay postage both ways. As notwithstanding this burden, which I regret, I cannot spare you during my life, I beg to know if there are any rules to be observed, as there are for France and other Countries. If any size or weight pays extra price, or if there is any other useful hint to give me for my own guidance, and which ought to be communicated to your English Correspondents generally, pray let me know. I remain ever, my dear and venerated Friend, very affectionately yours,

G. W. Marriott

Bishop Sandford from Edinburgh is coming to Town, and I shall see him I shall rejoice in the opportunity of judging whether he has received right or wrong notions respecting Ohio and its Bishop, and of acting according to circumstances. He shall not remain in error thro’ my neglect. I had the opportunity of reading the whole of your letter to G. Crawley a few days ago. Not one of that family will ever forget you or your Cause.

Letter to Philander Chase



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