"Letter to Mr. Dallin" by Philander Chase


Philander Chase



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As Chase prepares to leave New York for Ohio, he fills Dallin in on his trip across the Atlantic, the birth and baptism of his son Philander, and other updates.




New York, Gray family, Bishop Brownel, Bishop Moore, Hartford, Philander Chase Jr., voyage to America, Ohio Convention


N.Y. State

Kingston Sep. 15 1824

My Dear Friend

I send you herewith a copy of the favour of our Ch[urch]. Besides these each Diocese has particular of Local regulations never however contravening the Constitutions of the General Convention.

My voyage across the Atlantic was as placid as I could wish; & as to its continuation it did hardly exceed the average time from Liverpool to N. York. Tho’ going the contrary the average time is little more than half, the latter to the to the former is [as] 22 to 42 days; the constancy of the blowing of the trade winds from East to West between the tropics taking this method to return the air from America to Europe. I landed on the wharf of N. York at 7 P.M Sunday evening 29 of August. It was the very spot where, on the 1st of October last I embraced bade adieu to my loved son Philander. I stepped aside from the crowd to offer my prayers that God would sanctify this the heaviest dispensation of his providence to my benefit. I then went immediately to Ch[urch] where I offered the thanks due unto his name for his merciful preservation of me from the dangers of the sea & joined in the Gloria in Excelsis. How appropriate thought I, the Psalms & hymns & service of our Ch[urch] to all the exigencies of human life!

[During] my absence from America I found [God] had been gracious in giving me another son now a little more than 3 months old, whom on our visit to Hartford the Rt. Rev. Bp. [Brownel] baptized. The Ohio Convention is appointed on the 3rd of November. Would I could have named an earlier day on account of the badness of the roads at that late period! But my manifold cares & the press of business both there at N. York & at Hartford forbade it. As it is I hope they (I mean the lay Deputies of the Clergy) will generally attend.

It will I think give you pleasure to state that the most general approbation prevail, concerning the course of conduct [pursued] in England relative to the Ohio cause; & that an opposition is [as] generally [censored.]

Bps. Brownel & Moore, the former of Connecticutt [sic] & the latter of V[irginia]a whom I have seen decidedly approve of my conduct. I read to them both two letters which, since in N. York, I received from the Rt. Hon. Ld. Kenyon. They were much pleased with his Lordship’s sentiments & grateful with myself for his goodness. To day we are full of care & tomorrow we set off for Ohio. All is bustle in packing [?].

I can not close my very hasty imperfect letter without entreating to be remembered to all whom I so love in York. How sincerely do I pray the good God to bless them all particularly the excellent Grays. Tell Mr. Gray [Senior] not to forget me to the Lady at [Shelton].

Farewell Dear Brother

P. Chase

Letter to Mr. Dallin



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